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Dagda by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 14, 2021
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The fertile one

(this title is better. I believe someone else in this forum has made a concept for the dagda but I just wanted to post my own version and see what people thought of it.) I centered the dagda abilities around the items he had. The dagda is like the leader of heaven but he is also a druid and travels a lot.

Passive Ability

Wand club
Can hit his allies with BAs with the wand end of his club. This heals them 5% max hp over 5 sec.

Primary Abilities

Deaths touch
Boosts his BAs for 3 sec which deal more dmg, weaken, and mark enemies with death and after another 3 sec then explodes and slows. Mark can stack 3 times on one enemy.
Harp strings of the seasons
Plays his harp to enemies in a cone in front of him which charms and slows them. Then he can choose one season to surround himself in.
Autumn: creates a circle of swirling wind that sucks enemies in closer and deal dmg overtime.
Winter: a blizzard surrounds the dagda which slows enemies and deals dmg over time.
Spring: grows a patch of grass around him that hides allies and roots enemies. Deals dmg to enemies if pushed through the grass.
Summer: the sun beams down heavily on the dagda which applies burn to enemies and heals allies.
Overflowing cauldron
The dagda cauldron starts to overflow with liquids and this leaves a trail behind the dagda. This deals dmg over time and poisons enemies. Also slows. Trail lasts 5 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Druids wrath
Calls druidic magic in an area to create a tree which dmgs enemies and roots them if in area upon cast. Heals allies over time and poisons enemies and deals dmg over time. Lasts 5 sec. Boosts the dagda speed and dmg and refreshes his cooldowns.

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