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Daikokuten by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jan 28, 2022
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The smiling god

Is a god of wealth and fertility. Rides on two sacks of rice and wields a hammer. He has rats as helpers and is almost always depicted as smiling.

Passive Ability

Dark smile
Every time Daikokuten kills an enemy. He gains a stack of dark smile. After he reaches 15 stacks he empowers himself with darkness. When this happens he gains movement speed. This effect also boosts his next ability cast.

Primary Abilities

Uchide no kozuchi
Raises his hammer and in a cone in front of him slams his hammer down dealing dmg and slowing enemies hit. Every time Daikokuten kills an enemy he reduces this abilities cooldown by 1 sec. Dark Smile boost: dmg is increased based on enemies max hp. Knocks up enemies hit and shreds 20% of their protections.
Rice bale roll
Daikokuten spins the two rice bakes he's sitting on for 3 sec. Can recast anytime to dash forward in a line and any enemy hit is dmged and knocked backwards. Are slowed after knock back. Heals himself when he dashes. Gains movement speed when charging. When first cast allies near him also gain movement speed. Dark Smile boost: deals increased dmg and dash range is longer. When he collides with an enemy they take dmg multiple times and after they are knocked back they are stunned.
Rat scavengers
In a line forward Daikokuten sends forth 2 rats. If they hit an Ally they are healed and granted a shield. If they hit an enemy they are rooted and dealt dmg. They also become poisoned and have reduced healing. This ability has 2 charges. Dark Smile boost: rats travel faster and heal and dmg more. Poison dmg lasts longer and deals more dmg. Shield is greater.

Ultimate Abilities

The burdens of fortune
Daikokuten unfurls his sack and selects an area. When he does all the contents inside his sack fall down to that area and deal constant dmg. Can move the area but is slow. The items that fall out are all valuable items such as gold or diamonds. These each apply a stack of unfortunate to the enemy hit and once ability is done the enemies with stacks on them are turned into golden statues. The duration of transformation is based on stacks from ability. Dark Smile boost: increases the base time for being a statue, can move faster, and has a larger area of affect.

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