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Davy Jones by TheSaints

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Davy Jones

By: TheSaints
Last Updated: Sep 3, 2024
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Davy Jones

The Sailor's Devil

Pantheon: Nautical Folklore

Type: Hybrid (Davy Jones mystical nature gives him access to intelligence scaling)

Plot: Ahoy mateys this is yer captain speaking, lets go steal the ole Holy Grail and take over Olympus, those gods won't know what hit em. Arr!

Arr! Aladdin that ole genie of yers ain't worth a doubloon to this here grail, I'll take Poseidon's title as sea god and Zeus's title as king of the gods all in one swoop.

Charybdis, Scylla lend me some firepower these Round Table knights and so called wizard ain't letting up.

Passive Ability

Pirate Life
In fountain Davy Jones can toggle between a ranged flint lock pistol and a melee sword.

Melee stance: Increased movement speed, Basic attack damage, damage against jungle monsters

Ranged stance: 20% Increased attack speed

(I may take out the melee stance and change this passive)

Primary Abilities

Davy Jones marks an area, and sends forward pirates that attack enemy gods in that area spawns 1 pirate per enemy.

They drop oranges after they die, which heal allies.

Ranged: Davy Jones loses half his attack speed but his basic attack damage is doubled.

Melee: Attack speed isn't halved, basic attack damage is doubled.
Davy Jones Locker
This ability is a passive only. Passive: After you kill an enemy god send another enemy god with the highest HP within radius to Davy Jones Locker for 4 seconds. If there isn't one within radius Davy Jones gains gold, Attack Speed and movement speed instead.
Cannon Ball
Davy Jones fires a cannon damaging and knocking back enemies hit, if he damages an enemy god he can swing on a rope in the direction he is facing.

Ultimate Abilities

Davy Jones travels forward on his flying ghost ship which can go through walls, enemies hit by the front take damage and are affected by fear. Enemies within radius on the side take dmg from cannon fire.

Allies can interact and hop on for the duration as well.

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