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Deimos and Phobos by ZingZang1235

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Deimos and Phobos

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jan 24, 2022
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Deimos and Phobos

Twins of fear and panic

Deimos and Phobos the twin sons of Area and gods of fear and panic. Whenever a war started they followed their father into battle.

Passive Ability

Duality concepts
Deimos and Phobos share one health bar and alternate BAs. Abilities can sometimes only be casted by one twin do those abilities can be cast at the same time. Whenever Deimos and Phobos fear and enemy they gain a stack that increases their physical power and max hp.

Primary Abilities

Nightmare infliction
Passive: if the twins are unseen and attack an enemy that enemy is feared for 1 sec. Active: Phobos throws Deimos forward and if Deimos lands on an enemy he deals dmg to them over time and fears them. Then Deimos returns. When he does he heals them and increases their prots by 15%. If the enemy hit is feared before this ability lands Deimos deals bonus true dmg and dmg based on missing hp. Heals more and increases their prots more.
Terrors of the battlefield
Phobos summons a war zone at an area of his choosing. Upon doing so enemies on it take dmg over time, are slowed, and have 5% of their protections shred every sec they stand on the field. Deals more dmg to enemies who are feared.
Into the fray
Selects an enemy and they dash to the selected enemy dealing dmg to them. The twins then gain lifesteal and attack speed on their BAs for 3 sec. Also gains a shield of the enemy hit was feared recently. If they use this ability while unseen the dash deals more dmg, They keep their buffs for 5 sec and they are increased, and they gain movement speed as well.

Ultimate Abilities

In the wake of war
Deimos and Phobos select an Ally or one of themselves and ride forward in a chariot in a line leaving behind a trail that expands overtime. This trail lasts 5 sec at max expand distance. The trail deals dmg to enemies over time and if this ability is cast while unseen it also fears for 1.4 sec and deals more dmg. The selected Ally is carried forward as well and gain a shield. They can choose to dismount anytime they want and when they land they fear and dmg all enemies hit. If Deimos was selected the trail deals more tick dmg faster and fears for longer at 2 sec. If Phobos was selected the trail grows wider and lasts longer. Also blinds enemies hit. Also can travel further.

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