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Demeter by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Aug 27, 2022
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The grain goddess

Demeter is a sibling of Zeus, hades, Poseidon, hestia, and hera. Has a child with Zeus who is named Persephone. Demeter is a goddess of fertility and agriculture. Her mood affects the seasons. If she is sad nothing will grow and winter will come. If she is happy spring and summer will happen and crops will grow.

Passive Ability

Mood swings seasons
Over time Demeter's mood changes. This effects which season it is and when the seasons change she gains different buffs and debuffs against herself. Summer: gains bonus hp5 and 10% bonus protections. Fall: gains 5% bonus power, but uses 5% more mana per ability cast. Winter: gains 10% bonus power and lowers enemy protections by 5%. Spring: gains 5% bonus protections, but lifesteal and healing are reduced.

Primary Abilities

Seed sowing
Upon casting all base abilities change to represent a different kind of food. Ultimate ability can be cast while base abilities have changed. All seeds take are lobed in an arc and embed themselves into the ground even if they directly hit an enemy. Takes the seeds 1.5 sec to full sprout into different plants. This ability has 2 charges.
Harvesting scythe
This ability alternates between two different casts. First cast makes a scythe swing upwards and in a line it sends a vertical wave forwards that dmges enemies based on their max hp. This also slows.
Second cast makes Demeter swing a scythe from one side to the other in a cone forwards. Enemies hit take dmg based on max hp.
Both casts reduce enemy protections. Any seeds hit by either casts will be destroyed and explode causing different effects based on which seed it was.
Cornucopia of abundance
Upon casting roots herself and in a large cone forwards Demeter begins channeling. This area deals constant dmg to enemies and any seeds in it grow instantly. Heals herself over time. This channel can last as long as she has enough mana. Drains a certain amount every second.

Ultimate Abilities

Fertile fields
Demeter selects a seed that's in the ground or while seed sowing is active can cast ultimate to empower next seed. Upon doing so that seed immediately sprouts boosting it's effects. Each boost lasts 5 sec.
Olives: This seed sprouts into a tall tree and an area around it is covered in oil. Enemies in the oil are crippled and slowed. The tree then fires olives at enemies in range constantly and applies it's mark. Deals increased dmg and enies now take 20% increased dmg from Demeter's abilities.
Grape vines: This seed sprouts outwards in a large circle of vines. Any enemy hit is rooted and takes dmg constantly. After 5 ticks of dmg enemies are charmed and towards the center of the vines and have reduced protections.
Wheat: This seed sprouts into a square shape and a field of wheat spawns. Enemies in the area when it spawns are knocked up, take dmg based on their missing hp, and have reduced healing. Enemies are partially blind while walking through this field and are slowed.

Other Abilities

Olive tree
Olives: this ability replaces seed sowing when seed sowing is cast. Upon casting lobs a seed at an area. When it lands in a larger radius all enemies are crippled and slowed. Then 1.5 sec later the seed sprouts into an olive tree. This tree lasts 5 sec and can be destroyed in 3 BAs. The tree then fires olives at enemies dealing dmg and applies a mark to them. The mark fills itself with every 5 autos from the tree. When this happens that enemy is crippled again and takes 10% more dmg all of Demeter's abilities. Can only be applied once per enemy. Priotizes the lowest health enemy god first.
Destroyed seed: When this seed is hit with harvesting scythe it explodes allies gain movement speed and attack speed for 3 sec.
Grape vines: This ability replaces harvesting scythe when seed sowing is cast. Upon casting fires multiple seeds at an area and when they land, in a larger radius, vines grow rooting all enemies hit for 1 sec. After 1.5 sec the seed grows and grapes grow on the vines. This deals dmg and roots again for 1 sec. Any enemy still in the vines take dmg over time. If an enemy takes dmg 3 times from the vines they are charmed to the center of the area and can't be charmed again. This also reduces their healing.
Destroyed seed: When this seed is hit by harvesting scythe it explodes causes allies to have increased ccr and lower cooldowns on abilities.
Wheat patch
Wheat: This ability replaces cornucopia of abundance when seed sowing is cast. Upon casting a bag of seeds is lobed instead and upon landing, in a larger radius slows enemies and reduces their protections. After 1.5 sec the bag sprouts into a patch of wheat. Enies in the area are knocked up and dealt dmg based on missing hp. Also reduces enemy healing.
Destroyed seed; When this seed is hit by harvesting scythe it explodes granting allies a shield based on their missing hp and for 3 sec while the shield persists heals shielded allies for a percentage of their missing hp.

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