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Don Quixote by Sovix

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Don Quixote

By: Sovix
Last Updated: May 29, 2024
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Don Quixote

The hidalgo of La Mancha

In the fields where gods and mythological heroes face each other in epic battles, a figure as noble as it is defiant emerges from the steppe: Don Quixote de la Mancha. Coming from the lands of Spain, Don Quixote is a knight-errant whose courage and sense of honor know no limits. Equipped with his rusty armor and unbreakable spear, he stands as a defender of the weak on the battlefields, willing to protect the innocent and fight against injustices. Despite the fact that many consider him crazy for his visions of dragons and giants where there are only windmills and birds, his courage and his devotion to the ideals of the cavalry are unquestionable. Although his perception of reality may be distorted, in the heat of the battle, his resolution and his sense of duty shine with a clarity that inspires all those who fight by his side.

Don Quixote not only brings his combat skills, but also his unbreakable optimism and his ability to transform despair into hope. In the midst of gods and monsters, his figure embodies the eternal struggle for the highest ideals, reminding all fighters that even in a world full of divine powers and titanic threats, true courage and nobility come from the human heart. His presence pays tribute to the gods the ability of the human spirit to dream, fight and never give up, no matter how insurmountable the obstacles seem.

Passive Ability

Unbreakable idealism
Every time Don Quixote receives damage, he gains accumulations of "Bravura". For every 5 accumulations,he will increase his physical and magical defense by 10, up to a maximum of 25 accumulations.
Don Quixote, reaching 25 accumulations, his next basic attack will inflict additional damage and slow down the opponent.
He will not lose the burdens until a while has not been damaged.

Max defense: 50 physical and magical defense
Additional damage: 25 +2 per level
Slow: 45%
Slow duration: 1 sec
Duration of loads: 15 sec

Primary Abilities

Bravery of La Mancha
Don Quixote raises his shield, blocking the damage received by his nearby allies for 3 seconds. He absorbs up to a percentage of the damage directed at his allies and provides a shield that is distributed between him and his companions.
In addition, the allies within the area receive a slight increase in their physical and magical resistance, gaining the ability not to be executed while under the influence of the shield.

Absorbed damage: 20/25/30/35/40%
Life of the shield: 100/300/400/500/700
Duration of the shield: 3 sec
Defenses won: 5/10/15/20/25 each

Cooldown: 15/14.5/14/13.5/13 sec
Mana: 50/60/65/70/80
Spear of Justice
Don Quixote makes an attack with his spear forward, inflicting damage to all enemies in a straight line. The enemies beaten are disarmed and silenced.
The subjects will receive 35% more.

Damage: 80/130/180/230/280 (+50% magical power)
Disarm duration: 0.5/0.75/1/1.25/1.50 sec
Slow: 20/25/30/35/40%
Slow duration: 2 sec

Cooldown: 12 sec
Mana: 55/60/65/70/75
Mills of Valour
Don Quixote invokes the image of gigantic windmills that revolve around him, causing damage, slowing down and pushing enemies out. The allies within the area gain a temporary increase in their movement speed, health regeneration and lose the basic penalty.

Duration of the mills: 3/3.5/4/4.5/5 sec
Damage: 20/30/50/60/80 (+20% magical power)
Slow: 35%
Slow duration: 2 sec
Increased movement speed: 5/7.5/10/12.5/15%
Health regeneration: 10/20/30/40/50 per sec

Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12 sec
Mana: 65/70/75/80/85

Ultimate Abilities

Dreams of Chivalry
Don Quixote channels his deepest ideals and dreams, invoking a heroic battlefield where enemies will be slowed down and crippled, while the allies will receive a great increase in their defense and damage. During the duration, Don Quixote also becomes immortal and gains an increase in his attack speed while he is on the battlefield.

Slow: 50%
Slow duration: 3 sec
Cripple duration: 3 sec
Defense increase: 5/15/25/35/45 each
Damage increase: 2/4/6/8/10%
Battlefield duration: 3/4/5/6/7 sec
Increased attackspeed: 10/15/20/25/30%

Cooldown: 110/105/100/95/90 sec
Mana: 80/90/100/105/110

True pantheon

Don Quixote would actually belong to a new pantheon focused on world literature, this being the literary pantheon.

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