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Durga by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Aug 5, 2023
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The Undefeatable Goddess

A goddess that fights on behalf of creation using destruction. Wields a weapon in each hand and has eighteen arms. Rides on top of a tiger. Is usually depicted slaying a buffalo demon.

Passive Ability

Arsenal of Weapons
All of Durgas BAs alternate between her multitude of weapons each with different effects. Landing a BA grants attack speed and increased haste. This stacks up to a cap. Alternates between her chakram, conch shell, trident, mace, bow and arrow, sword, and lotus respectively.

Chakram is ranged and deals dmg multiple times and pierces through all enemies.

Conch shell lasts 1 sec and deals dmg multiple times in a cone in front of herself.

Trident strikes twice by stabbing forwards then pulling out.

Mace slams down in an area in front of herself which slows.

Bow and arrow causes her to fire 3 shots each applying item effects but with reduced power.

Sword slashes in an arc forwards.

Lotus fires multiple petals forth in a wide line that deals dmg multiple times and reduces enemy protections.

Primary Abilities

1 Man Army
Upon casting Durga gains increased movement speed and in an area around herself she randomly uses her BAs in rapid succession. Each hit deals increased dmg and can activate item effects but at a reduced rate. Lasts 5 sec. Turn speed is slower. Any enemy hit is slowed for 1.5 sec and can not be slowed by this ability again.
Weapon Onslaught
Upon casting Durga gains increased attack speed for 10 sec or until she goes through her entire BA chain once. This empowers each use to have bonus effects.

Chakram has longer range, travels faster, and deals increased dmg. Returns to her current position and deals dmg and slows on its way back.

Conch shell lasts a total of 2 sec now, trembles, and has increased range.

Trident causes Durga to strike three times with it each dealing increase dmg and applying bleed to all enemies hit.

Mace has a wind up time of .5 sec, has a larger area of effect, deals more dmg, and roots enemies hit.

Bow and arrow fires 5 shots each dealing increased dmg and applying item effects at 33% power.

Sword causes Durga to spin in a circle and silence all enemies hit. Deals more dmg.

Lotus has a larger and wider range, fires more projectiles, deals more dmg, reduces more protections, and can apply item effects at 20% power once every few ticks.
Fighting Demons
Upon casting Durga creates an area around herself that deals dmg over time. If Durga deals dmg to enemies in this area she heals herself based on a portion of her missing hp. Gains stacking movement speed each time this occurs. Can stack up to a cap. Lasts 5 sec. Range and duration of this ability is extended if Weapon Onslaught is used.

Ultimate Abilities

Protect the Peace
Upon casting Durga becomes cc immune and self roots herself. Has 1 sec to turn and face a direction before automatically dashing forwards in a line. Any enemy hit takes dmg and is feared. The area around Durga when she stops explodes dealing bonus dmg based on her protections and heals any allies in it including herself. Then gains attack speed and movement speed afterwards based on the amount of gods affected by this ability.

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