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Ebisu by CuresedDrakon

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By: CuresedDrakon
Last Updated: Feb 18, 2021
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God of Fishing

He is considered to be one of the Shichi ***ajin basically gods and goddess of luck. Ebisu was alos beleived to have Hiruko before he caught the Tai Fish

Passive Ability

Lucky Catch
Whenever Ebisu goes fishing with is one he has a 15% chance to pull out a Tai Fish one of the most luckiest of fishes.
Fish Market
Whenever he goes fishing with his one he gets an item once he is done fishing that he can then sell to give himself and teammates gold there is also multiple types of fish you can catch and sell for different price points

Primary Abilities

Goin FIshin
Ebisu cats out a rod that can do one of two things. First he can go fishing and hit the ground and pull out a fish or he can throw it at an enemy and pull them in closer to him
Crashing Wave
Ebisu sends forward a wave of water in a line that slows the enemy hit or enemies and deals damage to them
Jubilant Laugh
Ebisu makes a jubilant laugh that all allies within a certain radius of Ebisu are cleansed and have increased movement speed

Ultimate Abilities

River´s Rebuke
Ebisu creates a fast stream of water that drags enemies in the direction that it is flowing


Health per level-85
Mana per level-35
Attack Speed-0.93
Attack Speed per level-1.20%
Damage per level-1.80
Progession-1x for both damage and swing time
Protections Physical-23
Protections Physical per level-3.2
Protections Magical-31
Protections Magical-0.9
HP5 per level-0.85
MP5 per level-0.41

Ebisu´s Lore

As one of the seven Japanese gods of fortune all gods are fortunate that he found his way to the battlefield. Before he was Ebisu he was he was Hiruko son of Izanami and born without bones this made his life very difficult and for that he was cast into the sea intended never to be seen again but has luck would have it he was ashore onto Ezo and was taken care by the Ainu people. He loved to fish and eventually while fishing caught a Tai Fish one of the most lucky fishes that can be caught in Japan this would ultimately make him rise to god status and become the fisherman patron for all those who fished and since fishing is all about luck he became one of the seven Japanese luck gods


Ebisu plays like an aggressive support pulling enemies in and controlling where they go. He can be used during laning phase to pull enemies in close for the ADC to use abilities on this can however be CC immuned out of. Getting in to the mid game when capturing objectives he can push away enemies with his River´s Rebuke ability making it hard for them to get in close. AS for late game he starts to fall of a bit because his main use is during early to mid game. While in late game he can still pull off some nasty plays most people will be fully stacked and he just doesn´t have a lot of health or mana to use

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ZingZang1235 (1) | February 18, 2021 10:35am
His third ability jubilant laugh doesn't make sense since it says he cleanses enemies and have increased movement speed. Is that a typo? Also I think it's pretty funny he uses a fish to attack people.
CuresedDrakon | February 18, 2021 10:36am
Yes it is a typo
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