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Echidna by ZingZang1235

1 Votes


By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Apr 19, 2021
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Mother of all monsters

Is the mother of many monsters such as cerberus or the hydra.

Passive Ability

Return to nature
Whenever an enemy unit dies near Echidna she gains health based on 2% of that units max hp.

Primary Abilities

Mother of monsters
Echidna gains new abilities to summon four of her children. This ability summons Ladin which is the multi headed dragon that guarded the golden fleece. Upon summoning Ladon he cannot move. He has an area in which only allies and Echidna can see. If an ally enters the area they benefit from Echidnas passive as well. If an enemy enters the are the many head sir Ladon breathe fire in multiple different cones slowing and burning enemies. Becomes invisible if he doesn't do anything for 5 sec. Lasts 15 sec as do all monsters.
Mother's rage/ summon sphinx
Echidna screams in a cone in front of her for 3 sec doing DMG over time. At the end of the 3 sec she stuns enemies in the cone. Afterwards can recast to fire a poisonous ball of spit that slows enemies and marks them. When it hits an enemy it also marks an area behind the target hit. This poisons enemies and slows. Echidna summons the sphinx. Sphinx can move on its own. Every 5 sec the sphinx flies up unable to take DMG then crashes down in enemies dealing DMG and knocking up slightly. If an enemy if marked the sphinx will gain a shield, deal increased DMG to marked enemies, and increase knock up time when landing.
Instinctive protection/ summon orthus
Echidna screams and in a dome around her stuns enemies. Allies are given a shield as well as her children. Echidna gains bonus protections based on the number of units effected by this ability. Echidnas next BA allows her to dash forward and poison the next enemy hit. Echidna summons orthus the older two headed brother of cerberus. Orthus is stationary and also has an area that if an enemy enters it he will chase them down for 15 sec or until he dies. Doing this deals DMG and burns the enemy targeted by orthus. Every 6 BA from orthus his next one will use both his heads to bite down dealing increased DMG, rooting for .5 sec, slowing, and bleeding. Orthus gains increased attack speed on enemies with the mark and will make him leap to the marked enemy crippling them.

Ultimate Abilities

Survival of the fittest/ summon Chimaera
Echidna eats low hp enemies she chooses if they are close enough. This acts as an execute on enemies 20% hp or lower. This fears, poisons, and slows nearby enemies when she executes. Gains hp and boosts her children and the next child she summons.gains speed boost and if full hp splits hp amongst allies. Echidna summons the Chimaera. Can move on its own. Every fourth BA slows and poisons the enemy making them take 10% increased DMG from Echidna and her children. If an enemy is marked Chimaera dashes to that enemy becoming unstoppable and knocks up enemies in it's oath upon reaching the marked target slows them knocks them up, poisons, and applies bleed to them. Gains attack speed for 3 sec afterwards.

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The Masonator | June 11, 2021 6:03pm
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