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Erzulie Freda by ZingZang1235

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Erzulie Freda

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: May 20, 2021
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Erzulie Freda

Neverending desire

Is considered a goddess of love, jealousy, and is considered very lazy. Is know for possessing people and flirting with whoever regardless of gender. Is the wife if Damballa, Agwe, and Ogun.

Passive Ability

Heart manipulater
Allies hit by Erzulies abilities gain stacks of love while enemies gain stacks of jealousy. Stacks of love increase healing on allies by 15% and stacks of jealousy increases the DMG enemies take by 15%.

Primary Abilities

Loves gift
Erzulie either charms and deals DMG over time to enemies or heals allies in an area around her and a line forward. This applies a shield as well.
Soul link
Erzulie sends a tether to all gods around her. Allies are healed over time while they have the tether and gain movement speed boost for first 3 sec after gaining tether. Range of tether before breaking for allies is double cast range. Enemies are slowed if tethered and take DMG over time as long as they have tether. Enemies take true DMG over time as passive slowly stacks.
Sword to the heart
Erzulie strikes an area with magic and enemies inside are stunned and take true DMG and DMG based no missing hp. Then if they live are slowed and take DMG over time. This is instantly applied to enemies with tether on.

Ultimate Abilities

Carnal desires
Erzulie can possess an enemy with stacks of jealousy becoming untargetable but can't move. Doing this confuses her target making them move wrong and have impaired sight. Deals DMG upon possessing an enemy. Lasts 3 sec. Erzulie takes 10% dmg possessed enemy takes that isn't from herself. Status effects are not carried over.

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