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Flyntz by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 18, 2021
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The skeletal death god

Is a skeleton holding a giant torch and has one leg standing on a rock looking all cool. Also wears a toga. Pretty much it.

Passive Ability

Burning souls
When minions die heals 1% hp, large minions 2%, monsters 3%, large monsters 4%, and enemy gods 5% hp. Dmging an enemy unit applies a mark of burning souls to them. After reaching 4 marks that enemy is lot on fire taking dmg over time and grants Flyntz permanent power. This effect has a 15 sec cooldown per enemy.

Primary Abilities

Incindiary burst
Upon casting gains 3 empowered BAs. Empowered BAs gain increased range, explode around the target hit and automatically follows a selected target. If the same enemy is hit by all 3 empowered BAs deals bonus dmg, burns, and grants flyntz permanent power and resets passive timer on them.
Shoulder lion
Upon casting for the next 5 sec a miniature lion sits on Flyntz shoulder. This boosts his BAs and abilities. Can recast within 5 sec to enlarge the lion and send it forwards in a line. It stuns and mauls the first enemy god hit dealing dmg. Grants himself movement speed when recast.

If incendiary burst is used while this ability is active sends forth a mini lion as well that deals dmg with each BA. Bonus dmg if all 3 BAs hit the same enemy is converted into missing hp dmg.

If Flint roll is used while this ability is active gains even more max speed and dmg while rolling the pebble. Reaches max speed and dmg faster as well. Flyntz takes reduced dmg while rolling the pebble now.
Flint roll
Upon casting Flyntz gains ramping movement speed and starts rolling a pebble in front of himself. Pebble grows in size and dmg the longer Flyntz rolls it. Reaches max speed and dmg after 5 sec. Turning speed is reduced. Can recast this ability any time or wait for the full 8 sec. Doing so releases the pebble forward in a line. It will not gain dmg or size while doing this. Then once it hits an enemy or reaches max range it explodes dealing dmg and stunning any enemy hit. If an enemy was hit by the pebble first they are knocked up instead and take bonus dmg. Any burn that Flyntz applies to enemies hit by the pebble lasts longer and takes additional dmg.

Ultimate Abilities

Thread of life
Sends out a flaming tether from his torch that roots one enemy god hit. This applies burn and life steal over time for 3 sec. This slowly burns the ground underneath the enemy god slowing and burning other nearby enemies. Flyntz can't move while casting ability and gains a shield based on his missing hp. Cc will not stop Flyntz from casting this ability only breaking the shield will.

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