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Fortuna by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 23, 2021
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Personification of luck

If the goddess of luck and lady justice is based on her appearance being blind folded but doesn't carry scales Fortuna carries a wheel of luck and a cornucopia filled with gold coins.

Passive Ability

Fortune topics
Fortuna gives off an aura that she can choose from 3 different kinds of luck. Luck in money, fane, and love. Luck in money gives a 50% increase of gold to an ally from all sources who has the lowest amount. Luck in fame gives a power boost to the ally with the highest amount of kills per kill. Luck in love gives a 5% ccr to all nearby allies and herself makes cc in enemies last .5 sec longer.

Primary Abilities

Wheel if fortune
Fortuna throws her wheel forward in a line. If it hits an enemy they are rooted and dealt DMG over time while allies in it's oath will be shielded. Once the wheel hits an enemy it can root two more enemies for a total of three. Each subsequent hit deals increased DMG and increases root duration for all three roots.
Golden cornucopia
Fortuna becomes art and channels firing gold coins out of her cornucopia dealing constant DMG and slowing. After an enemy is hit by coins for 3 sec they are stunned into golden statues and take 10% DMG from all sources. Channeling drains Mana over time.
Fortuna becomes cc immune and dashes forward. This cripples and dmgs enemies. This also steals movement speed from enemies hit and curses them to gain a negative status effect and have a ring of darkness around them that can give an effect to enemies nearby and boost effects from other enemies with the ring around then. Lasts 5 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Fortuna favors the bold
Fortuna selects an allied god and makes then untargetable and unable to take DMG they have 2 sec to choose where to dash to with BA and can't cast abilities while in this state. This dash allied god does dmges, stuns, and marks enemies hit to take 15% increased DMG from all sources. Dash can not be stopped by anything. Fortuna gains bonus magic power per enemy as a statue. Statue effect lasts 1.5 sec.

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