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Freyr by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2021
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Lord of the fair harvest

The twin of Freya and the god of summer. Rides a golden chariot pulled by a golden boar. His sword is alive. All I can say about this guy really.

Passive Ability

Sumarbrandr: the living sword
Fryers sword is magical and can swing itself on its own. This makes Freyr immune to the disarm effect. Fryers BAs act differently as well. He doesn't swing his sword at all. Freyr can select an area to send the sword which acts as his BA range. Then the sword will swing itself at that area 3 times before returning to Freyr. Each slash increases in dmg and a portion of it is magic dmg. Any attack speed changes affect the speed of the sword moving to the selected area and how fast each slash is.

When Freyr dies he leaves behind his sword for 5 sec which will go on a rampage and attack with increased fury at any enemy in it's range. Also deals max dmg from the 3 slash progression it normally would do.

Primary Abilities

Scorching Summer
Upon casting Fryer gains movement speed and an area around him is constantly exposed to the burning sun. This deals dmg over time to enemies in the area and reduces their healing. Allies in this area and Freyr are healed over time. This area lasts for 5 sec. If the burn zone lingers over the same spot for 2 sec it scorches the ground leaving behind a burn zone that applies the same effects as the original but at a reduced rate. These zones last 3 sec. If the effects stack they are both reduced.
Gullinborsti: golden bristled boar
In a line forwards sends out Gullinborsti. Any enemy god hit takes dmg and are knocked up. The boar then becomes stationary. In a radius around the boar if it sees any enemy god it charges towards them after a .3 sec delay. This also deals dmg and slows. Lasts 5 sec and can be killed with 3 BAs. Freyr takes reduced BA and crit dmg while Gullinborsti is out.
Skidbladnir: The ship assembled from thin pieces of wood
Upon casting summons skidbladnir and mounts it. Then dashes forwards in a line. Any enemy god hit is carried backwards and takes dmg. Once skidbladnir reaches max range or recasting this ability early the ship explodes dealing max hp dmg, dismounts Freyr, and stuns enemy gods in place. Skidbladnir leaves behind a large path of water that grant movement speed on it to allies. Freyr gains a shield per enemy god stunned by the boat.

Ultimate Abilities

Boar drawn chariot
Can select either an allied god or an enemy god. If an allied god is selected cleanses them of all cc and mounts them onto Freyrs chariot. This grants increased movement speed forwards but slower strafe and turn speed. Can not go backwards. Gains attack speed and heals over time. Can run into enemy gods to tremble them, deal dmg, and stun. The allied god in the chariot controls whee it goes. Freyr can recast this ability to end the chariot early. Lasts 7 sec.

If an enemy god is selected it forces them into the chariot along with Freyr who controls the chariot. The enemy god on the chariot is burned while in it and have reduced attack speed. They can still use abilities and attack using basic attacks but can not move. Can cleanse with beads. Freyr can recast this ability to end it early. This dismounts both Freyr and the enemy god. Dismounting either by recasting or waiting the full duration of the chariot will briefly stun both gods for .5 sec. Enemy gods in the chariot last max 5 sec.

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