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Fujin by shadw

10 Votes


By: shadw
Last Updated: Oct 31, 2020
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creator of howling winds

carries a large fabric bag (or animal skin) filled with winds, when he opens this bag, releases a gust of wind Fujin, Raijin and Amaterasu are responsible for the climate of the universe, so they are almost always represented together (in some versions they are brothers), supposedly some of Izanagi's many children.
Legend has it that before humans inhabited the land, a dispute arose between them for the control of storms. In this battle, Fujin cut Raijin's left arm. Some time later, the two gods become friends again and Amaterasu recovered Raijin's lost arm so that he could continue producing thunder.

Passive Ability

enchanted warrior
all physical damage from fujin is converted to magic damage

Primary Abilities

wind partner
1 - 1st Conjuration: Selects an ally god granting the fujin movement speed while ignoring collision with units for a brief period.

2nd Conjuration: Unleashes a wind projectile from its mouth in a direction that when it collides with an enemy god deals magical damage, healing the selected ally with the affected damage.
guardian wind
2 - fujin protects himself and a target ally with a shield that absorbs the first enemy ability by negating its control effects and reducing damage by 7%
As soon as one of the shields absorbs an enemy ability or 3 basic attacks, both shields disappear.
winged typhoon
3- fujin quickly advances towards an ally protecting a maximum of 2 allies on the way making allies faster by 10% and lifting only one enemy on the way for 1.5 seconds

Ultimate Abilities

I'm here little one
fujin collects with his skin bag an ally who has less than 50% of his total life, bringing the ally close, healing 20% ​​of the ally's total life


fujin is a support warrior with buff gameplay and engagement with allies

(he hits with his bag)

example art

EXAMPLE 3d model


not at all calm, outgoing, honorable, impulsive and talkative

EXAMPLE 3d model texture

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