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Fujin by ZingZang1235

1 Votes


By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jan 26, 2022
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Wizardly wind demon

The japanese god of the wind and carries a bag that holds all the winds of the the world. Very similar to Feng Po Po. Looks very similar to oni or demons.

Passive Ability

Way of the wind
Fujin passively marks enemies and jng camps and if he or an Ally hits the enemy with the mark they gain hp and movement speed and attack speed. If fujin hits the mark his BAs can also cleave enemies.

Primary Abilities

Turbulent swings
When this is cast fujin empowers his next 3 BAs to deal bonus dmg, spin around him able to hit multiple enemies, and gain attack speed for them.
Air vacuum
Leaps forward. When he lands he deals dmg and a burst of wind surges towards him pulling enemies hit towards fujin. This slows enemies affected by the pull. The an area around fujin is constantly surrounded by wind crippling enemies and dealing dmg over time. This area lasts 3 sec and grants fujin movement speed.
Spirit drain
Passive: whenever enemies die occasionally they leave spirits behind. Can pick them up do gain bonus power and crit chance. If he gains crit chance over 100 it's converted into crit dmg. Gains movement speed when he picks up a spirit.
Active: In a cone in front of him he sucks in air. If this hits an enemy he also pulls their soul dealing dmg over time. If an enemy is in the pull for the full duration they have their soul sucked out contributing to passive stacks. Lasts 3 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Hurricane surge
When cast a hurricane surrounds fujin for 3 sec reducing the dmg he takes and increasing his movement speed and attack speed. Then once 3 sec are up or recast early he dashes forward with the hurricane dmging and knocking up enemies hit. Afterwards he retains the hurricane in a smaller form for 3 sec. Still has buffs as well.

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