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General Winter by Seymourtdr

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General Winter

By: Seymourtdr
Last Updated: Nov 23, 2019
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General Winter

Breaker of Armies

Humanity has fought amongst each other for all of history, stopping only for things outside their control. They require a mediator and a punisher: one who will make them regret breaking the sanctity of the seasons. Assuming this role is General Winter, a powerful embodiment of winter in all of its hostility. To those who encroach his time of year, he is death. To those who hide under his reach, he is a cruel warden.

*insert Russian joke*

Passive Ability

Cycle of the Seasons
General Winter is at his strongest during certain times of the year. He has an internal clock which advances through all four seasons, with each season taking one minute. The clock is displayed behind him to all other players. It begins in spring and begins advancing when minions start to spawn. If General Winter uses three abilities in a short time(around 20 seconds), the fourth one has extra effects.

Primary Abilities

Salt the earth
Mark a targeted area to be inhospitable, slowing foes and blocking all enemy healing done in the area. Leveling this skill increases the duration of the skill. Using this with Cycle of the Season will cause the area to spawn a blizzard which cripples, slows, and damages foes. If used during spring, it shreds protections.
Earth's Blessing
Heal allies in a small area, boosting Winter's own protections based on how many allies he heals. If used during summer, it sprints General Winter. If used with Cycle of the Seasons, it has increased healing and cleanses non-ultimate CC effects. Leveling this skill increases the healing and protections.
Slash and Burn
Dash forward, stunning all foes hit. If used with Cycle of the Seasons, the dash leaves behind a trail of fire which damages and slows foes. If used during autumn, increase the range of the dash. Leveling the skill increases its damage.

Ultimate Abilities

Borealis' Bolt
Create a ray of freezing air, removing all buffs from foes and freezing them in place. If used in winter, it lets General Winter switch locations with foes caught in the middle of the ray. If used with Cycle of the Seasons, it freezes towers as well. Leveling this skill increases the duration the freeze.


I wanted to make a guardian that requires time management and effective peel. Historically, the Russians could just retreat and let winter destroy their foes for them, so I wanted to use that aspect in this concept.

Playing the Character

General Winter is a standard supportive guardian. He can hinder foes and heal allies, and has enough mobility to keep himself safe. You must manage your abilities and time-based benefits in order to play effectively.

Playing against the Character

If you know what Cycle he is currently in, you can catch him at a bad time. Most of his non-boosted skills are very tame, so he isn't very effective when caught off guard. Because of his need to use skills and keep his passive ready, he cant stay in lane for too long.


General Winter is an old school soldier. His methods and principles are timeless, so why should he ever change? He knows many of the old guard of gods, and views himself as above the current conflict. He is harsh and dire.


To Ymir on kill: We're still meeting for drinks later, right?
To Chronos on kill: Slow down friend, I'm not goin anywhere...
To sun gods on kill: Its too early for winter to end... Go back to sleep...
To moon gods on kill: I prefer the pitch black...
To warrior gods on kill: You work too hard... Just sit back and feel the seasons.

On item purchase: I prefer things a bit old fashioned, but I do what works.
On death: you cant hide the whole year round...
On death: don't worry, I can wait...

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