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Ghede Nibo by ZingZang1235

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Ghede Nibo

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 5, 2021
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Ghede Nibo

Guardian of the graves

Ghede Nibo once was a mortal man until he was brutally murdered. But he was then turned into a loa when Baron Samedi and Maman Brigette found his soul. Now a loa he guards those who have been wronged like him and those who have no grave to rest in piece

Passive Ability

Nasal dandy
Ghede Nibo gives off an aura that increases the duration of all charms by.5 sec.

Primary Abilities

Cleanse your souls!
Ghede Nibo shields himself and all nearby allies and breaks any cc on them and any incoming for 1.5 sec. This also increases the effectiveness of healing on them by 20%. Empowers Ghede Ninos BAs for the next 5 sec to deal increased DMG and life steal.
R.I.P. souls
Ghede Nibo frees all souls and spirits around him. This heals allies and can send the spirits to enemies dealing DMG and slows. At three spirits hit they stun. Spirits can also come from enemies and are dealt DMG when the soul is ripped out of them based on missing hp. Ghede Nibo doesn't allow spirits inside him so casting this ability without at least one there god in range won't do anything besides heal allies.
Loa's charms
Ghede Nibo charms enemies in front of him and charges up an attack. This will root charmed enemies and fires spirits at rooted enemies dealing DMG and exploding the root. Gains hp and speed boost to nearby allies. After this cast includes Ghede Nibo. This places souls in enemies hit and increases DMG of ability 2. This also increases DMG enemies take by 10% from all sources for 5 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Psychopomp spirit
Ghede Nibo becomes cc immune and releases a wave that silences enemies and slows.then he splits his spirit from his physical body not taking DMG from abilities aimed at his spirit. His physical body can still take DMG. Gains a shield for physical body and around it is a field that heals allies over time. In spirit form lasts 5 sec and can walk through 3 walls before not being able to a fourth time. Once 5 sec is over Ghede Nibo calls his physical body to reattach to his spirit and it zooms to where his spirit is after 5 sec. The field around his physical body also carries allies with it. Upon arriving a large explosion occurs dmging and stunning enemies. Also makes enemies take 25% more DMG from him and allies he brought with him.

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