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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 2 weeks to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆


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By: VanYsH
Last Updated: Oct 22, 2021
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King Of The Monsters

An ancient alpha predator. The apex of mythical beings, none come larger than Gojira. He acts as the natural balance of the earth, cleansing it of error should the balance he keeps be disturbed. Gojira is a Titan among titans, and now, with the return of the Gods, he must defend his throne as King of the Monsters. He has fought Eons worth of battles against beasts of his size, and bigger before. experienced in all styles of combat, he will use his teeth, claws, huge tail, or immensely powerful atomic breath to wipe the slate clean against any foe, for Gojira know no fear.

Take control of the King Of The Monsters in the new update; SMITE: THE BIGGER THEY ARE... (Fan written)

Passive Ability

Gojira emits a light radiation that damages minions and his foes. This will always remain active, but has very miniscule damage. 10 AOE damage to enemies/minions

Primary Abilities

Gojira performs a massive charge, knocking aside any enemies with his claws as he tears a path ahead. Even the largest Gods will be forced away. (Damage scale: 50/70/90/110/130 // CD: 12 sec)
Titan's Wrath
Lying in wait, Gojira swings his huge tail, dealing incredible Damage to whoever is unlucky enough to be caught. this will knock back Smaller Gods, and root Larger Gods. (Damage scale: 65/85/110/125/150 // CD: 17 sec)
Alpha Quake
Gojira stomps into the ground, creating a titanic tremor that terrorizes all foes caught in it's range. (Damage AOE: 90/100/110/120/125 // CD: 20 sec)

Ultimate Abilities

Atomic Breath
Taking a small time to charge, Gojira unleashes his Atomic breath, powerful enough to decimate any form of opposition. Will do DoT (30 Dot - 8 seconds) to enemies hit, and will slow them for 10. (Damage Line: 300/450/500/650/700 // CD: 120 sec))


Gojira does suffer from some drawbacks, such as his lengthy cooldowns to balance out his powerful abilities. To use him properly, the goal is to capitalize, or bulldoze for your team. Gojira will almost always be center stage. Use his health pool to take some damage, and let your team Gank or Capitalize when the enemy is distracted. When your foes turn away, use your basic attacks and abilities to send them back to spawn. You will be vulnerable at the end of each ability, so be careful of just what you're getting yourself into. Think of Gojira as A Melee Jorm. Really bad idea to get too far behind the enemy team. If you play your strengths, and cover your weaknesses, the Gojira will carry you to victory!!!

((My first God concept!!! Now I'm no professional, but I think i did the best I could, I didn't want to make him so ridiculously overpowered. I'm open for Feedback to make Gojira the best he can be, and who knows? Maybe the King Of The Monsters just might make it to SMITE?))

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