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Gonggong by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 9, 2021
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The rivers catastrophe

A large snake with the head of a human, red hair, and is very destructive. He is the other god in Nu Was lore and the god Zhurong was fighting against. And the reason they started fighting in the first place. I mean it's a fire god against a water god what did you expect? The abilities I gave this man(snake if you want to be accurate) make it so he could be used as jungle but solo lane also fits.

Passive Ability

Wet scales
Using an ability grants Gonggong a short movement speed burst.

Primary Abilities

Vicious chomp/geyser spray
Bites enemies and deals a portion of missing hp. Can recast to spit water out of his mouth like a geyser that deals dmg and pushes enemies back. Deals more dmg based on what he chomped.
Torrential spin
Lunges forward and spins dealing dmg and knocks up enemies creating water swirling around him. Gives him a shield if lands on enemies.
Flood hose
Opens his mouth and shoots water out of it for 3 sec. Become a stationary and the beam of water pushes back enemies. Leaves water on the ground that slows enemies and speeds up allies.

Ultimate Abilities

Great flood
Passive: if 5 sec out of combat turns invisible until attacked or attacks. Activate: Calls water to flood an area slowly enemies and pushing them in random directions. Then shoots water out of his mouth being able to push them faster and deals dmg over time. If enough water is gathered can drown enemies.if under water too long they start taking dmg over time.

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