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Grand Bois by ZingZang1235

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Grand Bois

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: May 7, 2024
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Grand Bois

The Great Woods

God Description

Passive Ability

Beaten Bark
The lower his hp is the more dmg his attacks and abilities do. When Grand Bois reaches below 40% of his max hp he rapidly heals 25% of his max hp over 3 sec. This effect has a 60 sec cooldown and is reduced by 10 sec whenever he kills an enemy god.

Primary Abilities

Scratching Branches
Passive: Grand Bois has a chance based off his max hp that when hit he will automatically use a BA towards the enemy that hit him. This does not prevent Grand Bois from using his BAs or abilities and deals 25% less dmg. Can use his empowered BAs.

Active: Upon casting Grand Bois turns his arms into long sharp branches for 5 sec. During this time his BAs have increased range, can cleave, and apply bleed to enemies. Grand Bois lifesteals from all bleed dmg and can stack the bleed up to 5 times in a single enemy.
Piercing Splinters
In a long thin line forwards Grand Bois stabs with a sharp piece of wood. This initial stab deals dmg then he pulls it back. This deals missing hp dmg and cripples. This also leaves splinters in enemies. If Grand Bois were to attack an enemy with splinters on them he gains attack speed and heals for a percentage of his max hp. If an enemy were to die while splinters are still on them this abilities cooldown is reduced. Splinters last 3 sec.
Blown away
Grand Bois turns into a mass of leaves and gains movement speed for the next 3 sec. During this time he takes 15% reduced dmg from all enemy gods and is untargetable. Cannot use other abilities or BAs during this time. This ability stops the duration of Scratching branches while active.

Ultimate Abilities

Canopy's Shade
Upon casting Grand Bois summons a mass of trees to block out the sun and he turns invisible and gains movement speed. This lasts 5 sec and all gods can see the map get darker. Grand Bois can then select any enemy god in range on the map and dash to them. Upon arriving Grand Bois automatically uses Piercing Splinters on the selected enemy god and automatically casts Scratching Branches even if it's on cooldown.

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