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Grog Strongjaw by Al_Farther0091

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Grog Strongjaw

By: Al_Farther0091
Last Updated: Sep 12, 2020
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Grog Strongjaw

God Title

A Brute goliath barbarian from the DnD show Critical role campaign 1 ( I could leave the universe empty so I decided to put her in Norse)
I would love to see more crossover stuff with smite but not a god skins but actual gods

Passive Ability

Unarmored defence
For every 50 power and 50 health gained from items gives Grog a bonus 50 physical protection

Primary Abilities

Grog grabs his blood axe and an enemy in the radius, he strikes them 4 times, dealing additional damage with each strike while being immune to knock-ups. Each strike also deals 50% damage to nearby enemies. At max runes, this ability deals an additional 15% of your Physical Power per hit.

Damage: 45 / 75 / 105 / 135 / 165 (+50% of your Physical Power)
Damage (Total): 180 / 300 / 420 / 540 / 660 (+200% of your Physical Power)
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 12s
Power Cleave
Grogs makes a massive melee attack, hitting all enemies within a 180-degree cone. Enemies that are knocked up in the air are knocked away causing them to be stunned for 5s

Ability Type: Cone
Damage: 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 (+65% of your Physical Power)
Cone: 180
Cost: 50
Cooldown: 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8s
Reckless Attack
Grog slams the ground three times, sending out fissures that deal damage. If a target is hit twice, that target loses protections for 5 seconds. If a target is hit three times, that target is disarmed. after the third attack finishes Grog takes extra damage equal to +20% of the enemy gods power regardless of defense and if slowed for 4s

Ability Type: Line
Damage: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+40% of your Physical Power)
Protections Shred: 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20
Disarm Duration: 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2s
Range: 50
Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Cooldown: 14s

Ultimate Abilities

Titan of Stone
grog smashes hit gauntlets to together and grows double his size for the duration and gain the following effects

gains a bonus to damage equal to +30% of his physical power to all abilities
gains bonus CDR equal to +40
gains a bonus to magical defence equal to his physical defence

Duration: 10/13/15/16/17s
Cost: 120
Cooldown: 80s

Chapter Title

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