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Hanging tree by ZingZang1235

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Hanging tree

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021
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Hanging tree

The hanging tree

The hanging tree has nooses on its branches with skeletons on it that sing. It's walks around with it's roots and has a face made out of a hole in it's trunk.

Passive Ability

Hanged souls
The hanging tree gains and loses skeletons by using abilities. Skeletons help with abilities and BAs. Loses all skeletons when the tree dies.

Primary Abilities

Echoing screams
The tree screams in a cone. Doing this stuns enemies and shields nearby allies. Then his skeletons scream forward in different cones dealing constant dmg and constantly adds to allies shields. The hanging tree stun lasts 1 sec and the skeletons after screams last 3 sec.
Bone army
The hanging tree sends all of his skeletons forward and upon reaching max distance or reaching an enemy they explode dealing dmg and slows enemies. Can stack if hit by multiple skeletons. Can only be cast when the tree has skeletons. Gains a movement speed after casting for 3 sec.
Raise the dead
The hanging tree knocks up and lifesteal from all knocked up enemies. This summons a skeleton per enemy god he hits. This slows enemies and makes them take 15% increased dmg from all sources for 3 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

The gallows
The hanging tree roots all nearby enemies and if any have 20% or under hp they are dragged to the hanging tree and executed but only one enemy at a time and this ability has a 7 sec cooldowns after every single successful execute. When executing the tree gains bonus speed and refreshes it's basic abilities cooldowns. Heals himself and nearby allies for how much hp the executed enemy had split evenly giving the remainder to the ally with the least amount of hp. If the hanging tree doesn't use the execute again after 15 sec of the first execute then the ability goes into it's full cooldowns.

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