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Hanuman by BroPo

2 Votes


By: BroPo
Last Updated: Jul 27, 2020
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Mover of mountains

The child of Anju, and looked over by the god of wind Vayu, Hanuman had all the potential he needed to become a great warrior

As a child, he had a sudden desire to eat the sun, mistaking the celestial orb for a fruit. Indra, king of the heavens, could not allow this monkey child to eat the sun, and so struck him with a lightning bolt on the chin. Hanuman proved to be very naughty, so many powerful sages cursed him to forget his powers, such as flight and changing shape. However, Hanuman recalled all of this information on his way to Lanka with Rama.

As the heavens crack and the ground trembles, the mover of mountains shall head into the battle with his head held high and club in his hand, for he is the one that shall decide the righteous side of the battle.

Passive Ability

Warrior and Friend
Hanuman has the option to either take his club into battle or use his fists, which can be changed in the fountain. If Hanuman decides to take his club, he gains bonus basic attack damage and extra protections, while losing movement speed and attack speed. He also gains a passive aura for 10% increased physical power for allies around him in 55 units. If Hanuman decides to use his fists, He gains extra Movement speed and attack speed, while dealing less damage with basics and having fewer protections. However, he also gains an aura of protection, providing up to 10% extra damage mitigation for allies within a 55 unit radius

Primary Abilities

Mace Swing/Tremor slam
Mace stance: Hanuman swings his mace in a large cone in front of him, dealing up to 75/125/175/225/275 (+70% scaling), enemies hit at the tip of the attack are stunned for 1 second.

Fists stance: Hanuman slams the ground with his fists, causing an AoE cone in front of him to deal 60/100/140/180/220 (+40% scaling), and rooting them if hit directly in front of hanuman

Cooldown: 8/7/6/5/5 seconds
Mace throw/Monkey's aid
Mace Stance: Hanuman throws a duplicate of his mace towards a location, dealing 80/140/200/260/320 (+80% scaling). If hanuman uses this ability again during a duration of 5 seconds, he will recall the mace to him, dealing 50% of the damage.

Fists stance: Hanuman can fly to an ally god and temporarily carry them on his back, making them untargetable and healing for %current health for .8/1/1.2/1.4/1.6 seconds. Hanuman himself will move slower but gain 40% extra protections of each kind during this ability

Cooldown: 14/13/11/10/9
Hanuman channels for 2/2/1.5/1.5/1 second/s, which allows him to choose from a wide variety of buffs, which include:

1. 15/20/25/30/35 Extra physical power
2. 4/8/12/16/20% extra Movement Speed
3. 2/4/6/8/10% damage mitigation

These buffs last for 6 seconds

Cooldown: 16/16/14/13/12 seconds

Ultimate Abilities

Fall of the mountain
Hanuman picks up a part of the land on the map, rendering it uncrossable for the duration. Hanuman can then throw the mountain, which does damage in a circle for 300/400/500/600/700 (+90% scaling), and stunning for 2 seconds. The ground will then return after hanuman throws the piece of land. Hanuman can hold the piece of land for up to 7 seconds, after which he will throw it in the direction he is facing.

Cooldown: 100/100/100/90/80 seconds

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