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Hastur by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 5, 2025
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The Unspeakable

God Description

Passive Ability

The yellow sign
All of Hastur's attacks and abilities apply a yellow sign to enemies hit. Marked enemies are revealed to Hastur. If an enemy gains 3 stacks they take bonus dmg and grant Hastur bonus movement speed towards them for 1 sec. Enemies can't gain stacks for 8 sec after this effect activates.

Primary Abilities

The feaster from afar
Hastur reveals its lower half as it's form the Feaster from Afar and in an area around it skewers enemies with a sharpened tentacle. This deals dmg to enemies hit. The tentacles linger in enemies for 1.5 sec. If an enemy is still in range during this time Hastur rips out all tentacles still in enemies dealing dmg and crippling. While tentacles are in an enemy Hastur gains lifesteal against them.
The King in Yellow
Upon casting Hastur reveals its upper half as it's form The King in Yellow and opens up the large, tattered, yellow robes as it gains movement speed for 3 sec. If Hastur runs into an enemy god during this time it wraps around that enemy rooting and blinding them as Hastur becomes untargetable. For 2 sec Hastur follows around this enemy. After 2 sec or recasting early Hastur leaps off of that enemy. While on an enemy they take dmg over time which does not stack passive. Tentacles from The Feaster from Afar still stay active during this time.
Sacrifice into the Lake
Upon casting Hastur leaps forwards to an area of its choosing. Upon landing enemies take dmg, are slowed, and Hastur deals 8% of its max hp to itself. For the next 3 sec whenever anything dies near it it heals a portion of its hp back.

Ultimate Abilities

Avatars of Hastur
Casting this ability changes/empowers all of Hastur's base abilities. Empowered/changed abilities do not share cooldowns with base abilities and all are fully reset on kill or assist. Each empowered ability reveals the full form of each Avatar of Hastur.

The Feaster from Afar: Upon casting Hastur now has a windup time of .5 sec and gains movement speed during this time. Then after .5 sec Hastur swings it's barbed tentacles in a massive circle around itself dealing dmg and crippling enemies hit. Has increased lifesteal.

The King in Yellow: If Hastur runs into an enemy god while it's robe is open Hastur instead banishes that enemy and nearby enemies into the city of Carcosa for 2 sec dealing increased dmg over time. This dot does apply passive and ignores timer after applying 3 signs. Hastur is still untargetable but locked in place where banished enemies are. After 2 sec the banished enemies comes back and are blind and deafened for 2 sec.

Sacrifice into the Lake: Upon casting Hastur deals 12% of its max hp to itself, has longer range, larger area of effect when landing, knocks up instead of slows, and deals more dmg to enemies hit. For the next 5 sec any death within radius heals Hastur and grants movement speed.

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