Hastur enters into a focused state, reducing his protections by 50%, but allowing him access to his ultimate abilities.
While channeling
Have You Seen The Yellow Sign? Hastur can target any enemy god on the map. Hastur is able to see how much corruption each enemy god has accumulated.
If Hastur selects an enemy god on the map that is not fully corrupted, he instantly deals 15% of their max health in damage, and fully corrupts them.
If an enemy god is fully corrupted, he gains access to multiple abilities.
- Mind Control
Hastur uses his influence on the enemy god's corruption to control their actions for a short duration. Hastur remains in a meditative state while he controls an enemy god directly, having access to their abilities, basic attacks, and proccing any items he has.
Hastur cannot cause an enemy god to back to base. Hastur cannot cause enemy gods to sell items.
While in mind control, an enemy god becomes marked as an enemy to the other team, and an ally to your own. The enemy god is controlled for six seconds, or until they are damaged for 40% of their current max health.
- The Curse of Exhaustion
Hastur curses the enemy target, causing them to suffer from exhaustion. Any abilities used by the god now consume 25% of their total mana for its cost, and the cooldown for all abilities are doubled. Lasts for 12 seconds.
- The Curse of the Blind
Hastur curses the enemy target's senses, causing them to loose sight of their goals. For 10 seconds, the selected target will have all enemy gods and minions become invisible to them if they are further than 5 meters away.
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