After killing Fenrir:"A giant wolf! But not very powerful, as far as I can see."
After killing Mowgli:"Irresponsible child! I guess I’ll have to educate you."
After killing Bacchus: "Drinking and dancing is good! But in my land, control is what counts."
After killing Anubis:"God of the dead... But I am life and pure strength!"
After killing Quatermain: "Don’t try again."
After killing Ares:"War and strength are two different things... and you’re not that strong."
After killing Kumbhakarna:"Giant versus giant... but I always win."
Tr*** killing Sheere Khan:"And you’re supposed to be the most powerful in the jungle?
After killing Kuzenbo:"A king turtle... looks like royalty is in fashion today!"
After killing Sobek:"Crocodiles and elephants... we both know who the true boss is."
After killing Baloo:"You have the power and spirit, but you lack discipline."
After killing Ganesh:"It seems that you have not been able to have the way to victory..."
Joke: "The jungle has its rules, and I am the law here."
Joke: "Nothing better than a good load to start the day!"
Joke: "An elephant swinging on the web of a spider... How did that happen?"
Joke: "Nothing like the smell of fighting in the morning to start the day well"
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