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Hermes by S123Fee

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By: S123Fee
Last Updated: Aug 31, 2021
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Messenger of Olympus

The messenger of the Olympians, Hermes is also the god of speed, messengers, thievery, travel, gambling, and many more.

Passive Ability

Fleet Footed
Each time Hermes deals damage with his normal attacks, he gains one stack of Velocity. Each stack of Velocity increases his movement speed by 2% and his attack speed by 1%. Max 15 stacks. At 10+ stacks he takes 10% less damage and has a 5% chance to not take damage from an enemy attack. At 15 stacks he deals 10% more damage and is immune to slows. Velocity lasts 3 seconds.

Ability type: Passive (Buff)
Cooldown: No cooldown
Caduceus Venom
Every 5th basic attack, the snakes on Hermes's Caduceus spit venom at the enemy, slowing them and dealing damage over time.

Ability type: Passive (Debuff)
Cooldown: N/A
Damage: 10 (+ 40% of your magical power) damage every second for six seconds.
Slow: 15% for six seconds

Primary Abilities

Sonic Feint
Hermes dashes toward an enemy and ricochets off of them to deal damage to the other enemies within the target. Grants three stacks of Velocity on the first hit, and one for each enemy hit by the attack, stuns the first enemy hit.

Ability type: Ground target(radius 10)
Cooldown: 14-13-12-11-10 seconds (resets after killing any enemy with any attack)
Damage: 65-95-120-155-180 (+60% of your magical power)
Stun: 2.5 seconds
Momentum Punch
Hermes dashes in a line hitting the first enemy in his path, stunning them. He gains three stacks of Velocity, and one more stack if the enemy is killed.

Ability type: Line
Cooldown 7 seconds
Damage: 60-95-120-155-190 (+60% of your magical power)
Stun: 1.5 seconds
Return to Sender
For a short period of time, Hermes has the ability to deflect incoming projectiles.

Ability type: Shield (Lasts for 4 seconds, deflects all projectiles including ultimates)
Cooldown: 21 seconds
Damage: +10% of the projectile's damage

Ultimate Abilities

Speed Thievery
Hermes raises his Caduceus, slowing all enemies around him, and boosting his and his allies' damage for a short amount of time. After the time is up, Hermes gains immunity to damage and 5 stacks of Velocity and a speed boost. His ability cooldowns are also shortened.

Ability type: Area (radius 40)
Cooldown: 40 seconds
Slow: 60% of movement speed and attack speed for 10 seconds
Damage increase: +20% for 10 seconds
Immunity: Full immunity from damage, enemy passives, unfriendly items, and slows for 8 seconds
Speed boost: 25% attack speed and movement speed for 6 seconds
Cooldown shorten: 5 seconds to all abilities, including this one.

Other Abilities

Velocity Dash
Hermes uses up all stacks of Velocity in a long-range dash that deals a small amount of damage and slows enemies hit. Range increases with each stack of Velocity

Ability type: Line (length 30, + 3 for each stack of Velocity used)
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Damage: 90
Slow: 10% of attack speed and movement speed for 4 seconds.

Hermes Strategies

Hermes will most likely be used as a support mage, slowing down enemies so that higher damaging gods can kill them. He will excel at chain enemies into traps, and can get in and out of danger quickly. His Velocity Dash can be used to finish low health enemies or to get in or out of a fight.

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