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Hodr by Helerion

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By: Helerion
Last Updated: Nov 14, 2019
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God of Winter and Darkness

Hodr (Hod, Hoder, or Hodur): The god Baldur, who is often portrayed as being a charming, beloved, innocent sufferer, had dreams that foretold his imminent death. His mother, Frigg, went around and obtained oaths from everything in the world that they would not harm her son. The only being she omitted was the mistletoe, as she thought it to be too small and harmless a thing to be of any real consequence in this matter. When the wily trickster Loki discovered this oversight, he fashioned a mistletoe spear.

While all the gods were amusing themselves by throwing every available projectile at Baldur and laughing as the things bounced off of their unharmed companion, Loki approached Hodr with the mistletoe spear. He convinced Hodr to throw the spear at Baldur to contribute to the game and to honor the strength of his brother. (Hodr and Baldur were both sons of Odin.) With Loki guiding his hand, Hodr launched the spear at Baldur. The weapon pierced him, and, to the shock and horror of all present, he fell down dead on the spot.

Passive Ability

Born in darkness
Born in darkness, Hodr is blind and cannot see the world around him, but as many who are born blind, his other senses are hightened.
Hodr persives the world around him in faint shapes and forms, but tru sound and smell he can sense where living beeings are, and have recently been, and is able to follow a line of scent where a enemy god has gone for up to 10 seconds.

Primary Abilities

When activated, Hodr will unleash the cold reality of winter in a circle around him, enemies that find themselves herein, will be snared by 25% for 4s, and after 3 successful hits, will get brainfreeze that makes the enemy drop their weapons, making them unable to attack or cast spells for 4s
Frozen Pulse
Hodr`s blood freezes in his veins, reducing incoming damage by 10/15/20/25/30% for 3s
Hodr unleashes a 5s channeled 180 degree frontal cone AOE barrage of arrows, every sucsessfull hit increases the damage done to the enemy god by 3/6/9/12/15% for 10s by all sorces
Cold Embrace
Hodr draws his bow back for 2 seconds, unleashing a powerful piecing shot that stuns enemy gods for 1/2/3/4/5s on impact, leaves a trail of snaring ice along its flight path, snaring everyone that touches it for 5/10/15/20/25% for 2s

Ultimate Abilities

Breath of the inevitable death
180 degree frontal cone frost breath, encasing enemies in a block of ice, unable to move or attack for 5/7/8/9/10s doing 150/200/250/300/450% of base damage.

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