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Hong hai-er by ZingZang1235

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Hong hai-er

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: May 18, 2022
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Hong hai-er

Red boy

Red boy is the sin of Niu Mowang the bull demon king and princess iron fan. For 300 years he has cultivated his ability to manipulate fire to the point where he achieved true samadhi fire. This fire could not be put out with water and he could generate smoke from the orifices on his face. When he heard about Sun Wukong and his party red boy wanted to eat Tang Sanzangs flesh so he could extend his life. In order to do so red boy disguised himself as a helpless boy and tied himself to a tree. Sun Wukong frees him but notices he is a demon. However Sun Wukong is subjugated to carry red boy on his back until he is tricked and Tang Sanzangs is kidnapped. Sun Wukong finds red boy and fights him claiming he knows the bull demon king. As they fought red boy almost burned sun Wukong to death. Sun Wukong then asks Guanyin to intervene and put out the flames creates by red boy. Then as they were fighting again red boy finds Guanyins empty throne and sits on it imitating her posture. Then the throne turns into swords piercing red boy. He pleads to be free from the pain and Guanyin agrees only if he became her permanent disciple. However once red boy was free he tried to attack her again. He was stopped as 5 golden bands similar to the one on Sun Wukongs head wrapped around red boys arms, legs, and head. This similarly tightened and caused intense pain to the parts of his body they were on.

Passive Ability

Disciplined demon
If out of combat gains 5 stacks of discipline. Each stack grants increased hp5 and reduces the dmg of monsters and gods by 2% per stack. If hit by an enemy or attacks an enemy loses a stack of discipline and gains a stack of demons rage. Each of demons rage makes red boy deal 3% more dmg per stack but takes 1% more dmg from enemies. Also gains attack speed with each stack for 1 sec.

Primary Abilities

Choking smoke
In an area around himself red boy causes smoke to appear. This turns him invisible if in the smoke. The smoke follows red boy and will always want to align the center of the area with red boy. When it follows him has a delay. Gains movement speed in the smoke. Enemies inside the smoke still can't see red boy. Enemies have their physical protections reduced over time and can't see outside of the smoke. Lasts 5 sec.
Emblazoned spear roll
In a line forward throws a spear made of fire. Upon doing so rolls backward and then leaps back up to stand. The fire spear dmges and slows enemies hit. The spear also leaves itself in the ground for 3 sec. Has 3 sec to recast this ability to dash forwards in the direction red boy is facing. If the dash hits an enemy dmges them and burns them for missing hp. Picking up the fire spear from the ground makes red boys next BA become a thrust that transitions into a spin around himself. This increases burn durations and deals dmg. Thrust deals more dmg.
Burning barrage
For the next 5 sec gains increased move speed, attack speed, and BA range. BAs have increased range and also give off waves of fire. Extended range of BA can crit but fire waves do not. Waves slow enemies and can stack.

Ultimate Abilities

True samadhi fire
Upon casting channels ability for max 5 sec. Every second extends range of ability but reduces move speed by 40%. This does not increase with charge time. At 3 sec reaches max range. Upon recasting throws a flaming spear forwards at high speeds. The first enemy this hits deals massive dmg based on missing hp and leaves the spear in them. cripples the enemy hit, and burns them for true dmg over 3 sec. Recasting a second time while burn persists allows red boy to become cc immune and no matter the distance or terrain in the way turns into fire and shoots himself towards the spear. This deals dmg again and reapplied the burn. If enemy with the spear becomes cc immune or dmg immune the spear dislodges itself from that enemy.

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