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Huitzilopochtli by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 16, 2021
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The turquoise prince

A god of the sun, war, and human scarifice. Also his weapon is a living snake turned into a blade.

Passive Ability

Xiuhcoatl blade
Every 3 BA burns enemies.

Primary Abilities

Feather shield
Holds out his feather shield and blocks incoming dmg for 3 sec. Then he sends a wave of fire that scales burn dmg and duration.
Jet viper
Extends his xiuhcoatl blade out and slams it down using the flames on it's back dealing dmg, burns, and stuns enemies.
Burning snake pit
Spins 3 times and stacks burn with each spin dealing dmg. Stacks stun if already stunned from other abilities.
After casting ability 2 while ult is active can cast warmonger. Gains increased speed and dmg and heals himself and Xiuhcoatl.
Alter of the sun
After casting ability 3 while ult is active can cast alter of the sun. Huitzilopochtli summons an alter which burns and blinds enemies. Gains hp based on how many enemies were affected by the alter. Spreads amongst allies as well.

Ultimate Abilities

Xiuhcoatl unleashed
Converts his blade into snake form. Snake lasts 15 sec. Abilities 2 and 3 are the same only the snake does those abilities and they then can be recast afterwards. Ability 1 is the same but also gives a shield to Xiuhcoatl. After Xiuhcoatl dies it erupts in a large explosion and returns to Huitzilopochtli s hand like a boomerang dmging enemies it passes through.

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