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Idunn by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jul 7, 2024
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Keeper of the Golden Apples

God Description

Passive Ability

Pristine Condition
Every 20 sec Idunn becomes immune to the first form of cc that hits her and reduces any ability dmg by 30%. This effect disappears when Idunn takes ability dmg or is hit with cc.

Primary Abilities

Hardy Nut
Idunn transforms herself into a small nut for 1 sec. While in this form she takes 50% reduced dmg but can't move. Any form of cc that moves her is amplified(so knock backs cause her to go further away then if she were in base form). Does not get rid of passive but dmg reduction does not stack. If Idunn were to be sent through an enemy they take true dmg based on their missing hp.
Rumbling Roots
Idunn selects an area and after a .5 sec delay tree roots erupt upwards and in the direction she is walking. Enemies hit take dmg and are knocked up in the direction idunn is walking. If this ability hits herself she also is knocked away.
The Desired Apples
This ability has 3 charges. Upon casting Idunn throws a golden apple to an area. The apple attaches itself to the closest, lowest health ally and for 3 sec grants healing over time and movement speed. This also affects an area around the selected ally. This also starts an internal timer for each allied god in this area. Every 5 sec an ally stays in this area they gain Idunns's passive.

Ultimate Abilities

The Golden Apples of Eternal Youth
Upon casting Idunn throws her whole basket of apples upwards and in a large area centered around herself the desired apples is cast. This area lasts 5 sec and allies gain Idunn's passive when this ability is cast. Enemies also are affected by this area. If an enemy stays in it for 3 sec they are time dilated to a stun and take dmg.

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TheSaints | September 1, 2024 9:16pm
Long ult title. How about Fruit of Eternal Youth?
Kyle401 | August 19, 2024 9:48pm
I want interaction with other gods
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