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Indra by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Oct 13, 2022
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God Description

Passive Ability

Aindrastra charge
Every 5th BA is empowered and gains bonus effects when it occurs. Changes based on which weapon Indra is wielding currently.

Indrastra: every 5th BA fires more projectiles, deals more dmg, and travel faster.

Vajra: the vajra has a larger explosion radius around it and deals more dmg. Enemies hit by the vajra itself are crippled for 1.5 sec.

Anjalikastra: the arrow is larger, travels further, and shreds 20% of the enemies protections and can not be refreshed.

Primary Abilities

Indras arsenal
Indra wields many weapons into battle and is even capable of granting his power to other weapons. This ability alternates his weapons and each empower his BAs in some way.

First weapon is the indrastra. Upon casting fires multiple projectiles from his bow. The arrows fired all travel outwards in a cone and then fly towards one location of his choice. If an enemy is in the way and is hit the arrow disappears. Indra can select which area all arrows must fly to or through. If an enemy is hit by multiple arrows they take increased dmg up to 50% bonus crit dmg or normal dmg.

Second cast indra uses his vajra to deal dmg with his BAs. Throws his vajra forwards in a line and upon hitting an enemy releases lightning dealing dmg to enemies in a small area around it then it flies back to indra. The travel and return speed is modified by attack speed. Can not use BA again until the vajra returns to indra. Indras passive makes the lightning hit enemies in a larger area. All crit from the lightning instead deals 75% of it's total dmg and slows enemies hit.

Third and final weapon is anjalikastra. When using BAs can fire them like normal however holding down the button charges his next shot. This reduces indras movement speed by 20% while charging. Charging lasts max 5 sec before the arrow fires itself. The charged arrow reaches its max effect after 3 sec. A charged arrow travels faster and further based on charge time and pierces through all enemies. It also shreds 15% of their protections. This effect can not stack and each arrow only resets the timer on the reduced protections.
Airavata stampede
In a wide line forwards Indra summons his white elephant mount airavata and it charges. Summoning his mount takes 1 sec. While summoning can't move but can turn. During this time can recast this ability to instead ride on his elephant and be able to steer it to a degree. If the ability is not recast then any enemy hit are trembled, dmged, and knocked up. Airavata leaves a trail behind it for 3 sec that increases movement speed and attack speed but only if you move in the direction airavata charged. Gains these bonuses while mounted and can use BAs while on the elephant.
Thunderous Rain dance
Upon casting dashes forwards in a direction of his choosing and for 5 sec afterwards begins dancing. When indra dashes he enters an electrified form, moves faster, and is immune to slows and roots. In a small ring around him any enemy in it takes constant dmg and increases the dmg taken from indra by 1% every tick. This effect can stack up to a cap and lasts 3 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Vasavi shakti
Upon casting becomes untargetable, cc immune, and unable to take dmg. During this time he also ascends into the sky and can select a large area. Upon doing so indra pulls out his spear, vasavi shakti, and charges it with his power. Can stay in the sky for 5 sec before falling down to the original spot in which he cast this ability. When Indra throws his spear the area he selected is shown to all enemies and 1 sec later the spear will land regardless of distance and cause a massive explosion of lightning dmging, and stunning all enemies in range. This summons a storm around the spear that strikes all enemies under it dealing dmg constantly and slows them. If Indra throws the spear he can stay in the sky for another 3 sec before being forced down. After indra throws the spear he can choose to land where the spear is. Doing so ends the storm and empowers his next BA. This BA makes indra throw vasavi shakti again except at any enemy recently hit by the storm, if under 20% hp, and is in range of the spear, it will automatically seek out enemies and will execute them.

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