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Ishtar by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Apr 1, 2022
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Lady of heaven

Is the first ever goddess recorded in history. Is the goddess of love, war, and political power. Is in most Sumerian myths. Fell in love with Gilgamesh and tried to marry him but he refused. This angered her and so she sent the bill of heaven down to trample him. Gilgamesh survived but his best friend did not.

Passive Ability

Lazy firing
Uses a large magical bow to fire arrows. This bow can fire itself whenever Ishtar allows it. Holding down left click increases the dmg of her next BA and the rang of it. Charging decreases her movement speed and turning speed. After 1 sec if deals increased dmg. After 3 sec it ignores 15% of all enemies protections and can pass through all units except terrain. After 5 sec can't be empowered further. Deals more dmg, ignores 25% of all enemies protections, slows enemies hit, and travels the fastest.

Primary Abilities

Infatuated suitors
In a line forward Ishtar fires a blinding star forward and the first enemy hit is dmged affected with a new kind of cc called Infatuated. This causes any enemy hit to gain increased attack speed and attack their allies with BAs for 1.5 sec. Gains a set turning speed and constantly fires BAs.
Lion charge
In a line forward Ishtar summons her lion and it charges forward. Enemies hit are crippled, bleed, take dmg, and Ishtar gains max passive power for 1.5 sec.
Heavens descent
Leaps up into the air and glides down in one direction of her choosing. When she lands all enemies around her are pushed back, slowed, and take dmg. Gains attack speed for 3 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

The bull of heaven
In a line in front of herself Ishtar summons the bull of heaven and it charges towards her. All enemies in it's path are dmged and trembled. Then when the bull is close enough to Ishtar she can recast to hop onto its back and for 5 sec empowers her BAs with max passive and gets rid of timer and debuffs. Bull can now be controlled but can't stop. Crashing the bull into an enemy god knocks them back and deals dmg. Crashing it into terrain causes an explosion that stuns and dmges enemies. Gets rid of the bull early. Still keeps empowered BAs.

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