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Ixchel by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Apr 1, 2022
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Rainbow woman

Ixchel is the goddess of rainbows and on her head she wore a serpent, and the pattern on her skirt was bones in the shape of a cross. She is also considered a goddess of the moon and her age changes to represent the phases of the moon. She has an urn that she pours water out of which causes rain. She is represented with four colors which represent the segments of the universe red, white, yellow, and black.

Passive Ability

Churning jar
BAs take longer to use but deal bonus dmg based on her total amount of power.

Primary Abilities

Urn of bounty
This ability has 3 different casts. Casting this ability first changes her other abilities to summon a different kind of animal. Casting ultimate ability cancels this ability. This ability is replaced with Jaguar pounce: This causes a Jaguar to leap out of the urn to an area of her choosing and enemies nearby when the Jaguar lands are dmged, rooted for .5 sec and crippled for 1.5 sec. The Jaguar then stands still in the center of the area and the first enemy it sees it chases after dealing dmg and slowing enemies hit. Can do this for 3 sec or can be killed early with 3 BAs. Allies in the area when the Jaguar lands gain an increase in their power and passively ignore enemies protections for 3 sec.
Sweatbath aura
In an area around herself and at an area of her choosing Ixchel throws a jar and upon landing mist fills it. This mist slows enemies and deals dmg to them only when the jar lands. The most also heals allies over time and they gain a shield if the jar lands on them. The area around herself also heals her. Snake strike: this ability is replaced with snake strike when Urn of bounty is active. Snake strike sends a snake out of her urn in a line and the first enemy it hits is stunned and dmged. Allies near the snakes path gain movement and attack speed for as long as the snake is out and if an enemy is stunned how long they are stunned for.
Rainbow bridge
In a wide line forward Ixchel throws a rainbow forward. If it hits a wall the rainbow extends over it and stays there for 3 sec. If it hits an enemy they are slowed and take dmg. Pierces all minions and monsters. Any god can click the bridge and ride the rainbow to travel over the wall. Can only travel in the direction of which end of the rainbow was formed first. Spider swarm: in a wide line forward Ixchel releases a swarm of spiders. They can go over walls and ride on them. If they hit an enemy that enemy is slowed, poisoned, and takes dmg over time from the spiders. The dmg from the spiders shreds enemies protections every tick and also reduces healing. Allies hit by the swarm gain increased protections and increased hp Regen for 3 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Moon phases
Ixchel selects an area and for 1 sec she rides into the air and the moon appears behind her illuminating the area she chose. This dmges enemies and every .5 sec they are slowed more and more until they are slowed 100%. When that happens the enemy turns into the oldest version of themselves and can't move for 1.5 sec. Ixchel then descends and in those 1.5 sec if an enemy reaches below 33% hp they are killed and turn to dust. Allies in the light are healed over time and gain attack speed.

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