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Ixtab by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Dec 21, 2021
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The goddess of suicide

So ixtab if the goddess of suicides and brings the souls of those who take their own life to heaven. Is depicted with a noose around her neck at all times.

Passive Ability

Sacrifice to me!
Every time ixtab kills an enemy or if an enemy dies from monsters, minions, or towers they give ixtab bonus power and crit chance and dmg. These can stack. Loses half those stacks of she dies.

Primary Abilities

Beheading noose
In a line in front of her throws a noose and if it hits an enemy they are strangled. Being strangled deals dmg and acts like a silence preventing enemies from doing anything and slows them. Then ixtab pulls the noose bring the enemy closer and dealing dmg again based on the enemies missing hp.
Alter of offerings
Ixtab selects an area and summons an alter there. Enemies in that area are knocked up by the alter. This allows this ability to be recast and ixtab immediately strangles all knocked up enemies and dashes to the alter. The enemies who get strangled are dealt more dmg and slowed more. Ixtab gains attack speed and movement speed for 3 sec after dashing to the alter.
Rope weave
In an area around herself ixtab throws a noose to all enemy gods around her. This deals dmg and slows enemies hit. Then she can recast again after 1.5 sec to pull the nooses strangling enemies and pulling them closer to her. This applies bleed and cripple to all enemies hit. Ixtab gains lifesteal against enemies hit by this ability for 3 sec.

Ultimate Abilities

Venerated death
Ixtab dashes forward a short distance and if she hits an enemy she immediately hangs them dealing true dmg and if they are under 25% hp they are killed and contribute to her passive. Ixtab floats in the air when enemies hang themselves and BAs gain more dmg and lifesteal. Abilities have reduced cooldowns for 10 sec. This ability can hit multiple enemies.

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