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Jacawitz by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Apr 19, 2021
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Volcanoes might

Is the god of volcanoes and is a giant craggy rock of magna and lava. Is in a triad with Awilix and Tohil.

Passive Ability

Hard as rock
The first ability or 3 BAs to hit Jacawitz deal 75% less DMG. This effect can only occur once every 8 sec.

Primary Abilities

Meteor shower
Jacawitz becomes stationary and in a cone in front of him he fires meteors. Each deals DMG, explodes upon impact, and burn enemies.
Molten fists
Jacawitz covers his fists with magma and gains movement speed for the first 3 sec. BAs now burn enemies and shred protections by 10% for 3 sec. Can stack and increase duration. Lasts 6 sec.
Lava flow
Jacawitz gains a shield and dashes forward. The first enemy he collides with deals full smg and stuns the enemy and carries them with him. Subsequent enemies take 75% total DMG and are carried as well. Just can't be stunned. This burns all enemies. Jacawitz leaves a trail of lava behind him when he dashes. This slows and burns enemies. Lasts 5 sec on the ground. If jacawitz walks over the lava he can spread it for 3 sec by moving.

Ultimate Abilities

Erupting earth
Jacawitz sends a fissure forward if it hits an enemy a volcanoes traps that enemy and any nearby in a volcanoes. This burns and dmges enemies inside the volcanoes for 1.5 sec. Deals increased DMG based on enemies missing protections or amount of burn before entering volcano. After 1.5 sec enemies inside are shot out of volcano and upon landing is stunned. Jacawitz can see all enemies affected by volcano and gains movement speed towards them. Enemies shot out of volcano are marked for 6 sec. And take 20% increased DMG from all sources and are slowed while having mark.

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