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Jack Skellington by ZingZang1235

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Jack Skellington

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Nov 5, 2021
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Jack Skellington

The pumpkin king

Jack Skellington is the greatest scarier ever and helps Halloween town organize Halloween every year to be the scariest one yet. How ever jack is growing tired of doing that every year and want something new to do so he wanders around and finds Christmas town. He becomes obsessed with Christmas town and tries to take over it by doing Christmas first. He becomes so obsessed he becomes Santa and kidnaps the real Santa. Jack fails though as he is shot down by the military(that is probably the weirdest part of this movie) and realizes that his love for Halloween never went away and that he is the best at Halloween and scaring for a reason. So he heads back and fixes things and learns a lesson like all great movies. Hopefully.

Passive Ability

At the beginning of the game and Everytime an enemy god is killed Jack has the chance to mark an enemy with obsession. In doing so Jack gains increased movement speed and attack speed against the enemy marked with his obsession. If Jack attacks them without them seeing they take 15% more dmg from Jack for the next 3 sec. Only one enemy can be marked at a time and if the marked enemy is killed by one of Jack's allies it switches to the next one automatically. If Sally is on the enemy team he deals 29% increased dmg and gains even more speed against her. If Oogie boogie is on the enemy team Jack's BAs deal increased dmg against him.

Primary Abilities

Limber bones
Passive: BAs now have slightly increased range and attack slightly faster. Jack has increased movement speed when not seen by enemies. Active: upon casting targets a wall or terrain and leaps over it. That wall is now marked and can't be jumped over again for the next 120 sec. Gains a short movement speed boost after jumping. Cooldown for this ability is 1 sec between different walls.
Pure fear
Passive: attacking enemies while unseen by them fears them for 1 sec. Active: in a cone in front of him Jack let's out a horrifying scream that deals dmg and fearing them for 2 sec. This applies bleed to all enemies hit. Fear lasts 2.5 sec if enemies are facing away from Jack. BAs extend the bleed duration on enemies and deals 5% more dmg for enemies missing hp while bleed persists.
Gut retcher
Jack leaps forward critically striking enemies, rooting, and applying bleed to them for 1.5 sec. This ability resets for every kills Jack participates in. After casting this Jack gains lifesteal for 3 sec which can stack up to a cap.

Ultimate Abilities

The pumpkin king
Passive: upon unlocking this ability when Jack is unseen by enemies for 5 sec he becomes invisible. Active: all enemies vision and Jack's changes replacing all gods with a scarecrow and a pumpkin for a head. Jack then gains massively increased movement speed and seeks out the enemy god with his obsession. Even if Jack is in an enemy gods line of sight but is invisible he stays invisible. When near the marked enemy he lunges at that enemy. Dealing dmg based on missing hp and stuns them for 2 sec. If Jack kills them he gains hp and a movement speed boost. If the lunge doesn't kill he still gains bonuses if the enemy dies within the next 5 sec. Killing the enemy reduces his base abilities cooldowns. And increases all of his passives by 33% for the next 5 sec.

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