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Jade Rabbit by The Temperance

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Jade Rabbit

By: The Temperance
Last Updated: Oct 31, 2021
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Jade Rabbit

The Crumbler of All Lives

Jade Rabbit finally tired of Chang'e. He decide to sexual assault Hou Yi and ran away from Chang'e. He will fufill his needs, by destroying lives.

Passive Ability

World Finisher
Every time he bought an item from the store, someone dies. If there are Chang'e or Hou Yi in the game they also die.

Primary Abilities

Gaze upon hell
Jade Rabbit shoots laser in a line. Dealing 1000 true damage and bouncing through enemies.
Moon Destroyer
He hate Chang'e so much he jump at the moon, smash it, and let it falls in the area infront of him. doing 10 magical damages and remove all enemy protection permanently.
Aegis Amulet
Becomes immune to any damages. But Jade Rabbit was so cracked he can still attack while using it. The immunity last 30 minutes.

Ultimate Abilities

The True King
He summons 20 Titans on every enemies on the map. If the enemy dies their respawn time is set to 1000 seconds.



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