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Jiutian Xuannü by ZingZang1235

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Jiutian Xuannü

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Mar 11, 2022
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Jiutian Xuannü

Mysterious woman of the nine heavens

AGE WARNING. Jiutian Xuannü is the goddess of war and sex. She is an advisor to rulers and the Jade Emperor in both of those aspects. She rides down from the heavens on the back of a red phoenix to those who need her advice. Has the ability to turn invisible for tactical advantage and can turn the stars into warriors.

Passive Ability

Tactical advantage/alluring looks
Tactical advantage. Whenever any ally lands an ability successfully they gain a stack of movement speed that stacks up to a cap of 5. This can also be applied to herself and also increases her attack speed. Alurring looks. Every 5 attacks on an enemy deals bonus dmg and charms them for .5 sec. Can stack on multiple enemies at once and if Jiutian Xuannü is below 40% hp it heals her by 15% of bonus dmg dealt.

Primary Abilities

Red phoenix glide
For 5 sec Jiutian Xuannü rides her phoenix forward constantly and any enemy in her path are dmged, burned, and crippled. Can turn but turning is limited. Recast to dismount early. Dismounting causes her BAs to apply a burn as well for 3 sec and extends the duration of burns on enemies by .5 sec. Gains a shield when gliding forward.
Silent ambush
Selects an area and upon casting teleports there and becomes invisible. Being invis grants movement speed and lasts for 3 sec. Next BA is a wide sweep forward that dmges and silences enemies hit for 1 sec. Then gains attack speed and lifesteal for 3 sec.
Six Jade warrior maidens
Jiutian Xuannü selects an area and upon casting six Jade warriors appear behind her and dash forward with their swords drawn to the area chosen and any enemy hit takes dmg from each warrior and is slowed by each stacking up to a cap. If all six hit the same enemy they take bonus dmg and are rooted for 1.5 sec. At the end of their range they stop and can explode dealing dmg again.

Ultimate Abilities

Star soldiers
An area in front of Jiutian Xuannü is highlighted and is in the shape of the big dipper. Upon being cast the big dipper shape is slammed down into the ground dmging enemies and trapping then inside the constellation. Then 1 sec later the constellation summons star soldiers on each star that makes up the constellation. Then they strike inwards dmging and slowing all enemies hit. Each strike also lifesteals for Jiutian Xuannü. The constellation can't be escaped from once it's formed and lasts there for 3 sec. Having cc immunity when hit by this ability allows that enemy to walk out of the constellation. BAs deal bonus dmg to enemies in The constellation and reduces passive to 3 attacks and deals even more bonus dmg.

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