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Jnum by Sovix

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By: Sovix
Last Updated: Jan 30, 2023
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The primeval moulder

One of the first to be here, the one who molded the primordial egg of the sun, Jnum. It is with Phat following the guidance and directions of Thoth to create and shape the universe. Jnum took it upon himself after this to mold all humans, but after some time he got tired and decided to break the wheel of his lathe and put a piece of it on each woman so that they could reproduce.

In a battle between deities, creatures and humans, Jnum has come to protect his creation from destruction, regardless of the cost.

Passive Ability

Birth creator
Jnum each time he see a minion or jungle enhancer die at the hands of an ally you will gain 1 stack of "Birth creator" which will give you 5 of hp5 and 2 of mp5 for 10 seconds. If you see an ally die you will gain 50 of physical and magical defense and 50 of damage for 15 seconds, and if you kill tho one who killed you ally, you will reduce your cooldown in 2 seconds of all abilities.
Max stacks:10

Primary Abilities

Creative lathe
Jnum will call a lathe that will create minions randomly every 5 seconds.
Lancer: Throw 2 javelins that reduce the defense of the enemy they hit. These will pierce the first 2 minions they hit.
Squire: They will carry a shield that can block minions hits, blocks a base of enemy gods or tower, and avoid damage to enemy minions, jungle enhancers, etc... If a enemy god kills one, the god will be slowed.
Cars: They will run over all the minions in front of them, when they hit a god, they slow him and if he hits them more than one will stun him.
Life of minions:150/200/250/300/350 hp (+ 25% of your max health)
Defense reduced: 1/3/5/7/9 (+ 0.5 per lvl of the abilitie)
Reduced attack speed: 0.5/5/10/15/20% (+ 25% of your max atack speed)
Slow: 20/22.5/24/26.5/28% (+ 2% per lvl of the abilitie)
Stunn: 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds
Cooldown: 15/13.5/12/10.5/9 seconds
Creation from the clay
Jnum will place a puddle from which towers, Phoenix and allied sources can go. If an ally is on top, it will gradually heal and it will be allowed to buy potions, sentinels and top-level items, if Jnum is on top, you will also be able to buy items and consumables of all kinds. Enemies that are placed on top can destroy the puddle, but doing so will cripple them for 1.5 seconds. This same one will work like a turret that will fire two jets of water that push the minions.
If Jnum place more puddles in the map, it will allow him to teleport to them.

Damage per shot:75/125/175/200/250(+40% of your power)
Cure: 50/100/150/200/250 (+25% of your max health)
Teleport enabling time: 90/75/60/55/40 seconds
Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11 seconds
Live mud waterfall
Jnum creates a waterfall made of mud that opens when is passing Jnum, if an ally pass, it will be purified and receive a shield along with a speed boost. If it is the enemy who wants to pass, it will work as a wall, that if they jump or go through it, they will be slowed and blind.

Life of the waterfall: 3.5/4/4.5/5/5.5 seconds
Shield health: 100/200/300/400/500 (+ 50% of your max defense)
Speed boost: 2/4/6/8/10%
Slowdown: 3/5/7/9/10 %
Blindness duration: 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5 second
Damage: 50/75/125/200/250 (30% of your power)
Cooldown: 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds

Ultimate Abilities

Birth of the universe
Jnum soars to heaven freeing all his power, healing all his allies and increasing the damage of minions, towers and phoenix. Along with this, he will damage all enemies and a tower of his choice, being able to execute an enemy of his choice, but this cost him all his gold and life, destroying all his creations and map sentinels. If Jnum don't hit anyone, it will gain 50 of gold per miniom, buff, enemy and teammate alive.

Range of execution: 25% of life
Damage: 200/400/600/800/1000 (50% of your power)
Cooldown:120/115/110/105/100 seconds


This guardian I have thought in such a way that it is a guardian of defense and avoids rook campers, sieges to infinite phoenix or very heavy jungles with a line, has a way to execute only to make profitable that sacrifice that makes of dying. As such it doesn’t have a very quick way to clean up, whether that the cars or the puddle shots, I think he has a good way of defending allied towers and that in team fights he can withstand enough damage and if he has to escape he can save the vast majority of his team easily.

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