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Jyoti by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2021
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Divine brilliance of lord Shiva

(I think that is the longest title I've ever used) jyoti is another rod Shiva's children and was born from his aura essentially representing Shiva's divinity and smarts.

Passive Ability

Lights protection
Jyoti gives off an aura that increase allies protection by 15%.

Primary Abilities

Absence of light
Jyoti throws a projectile forward and if it hits an enemy the light surrounding them is sucked away along with 15% of that enemies power and protections for 3 sec. The absence of light slows enemies and blinds them as well.
Brilliant light
Jyoti makes an area that after 1 sec delay light crashes down dmging and slowing all enemies hit. allies are given a shield that lasts 5 sec.
Arupa state
Jyoti enters her arupa state and makes all nearby allies cc immune for 1 sec. Gives heal over time. Though enemies are blinded and burned. Jyoti becomes ghosted and can walk through max 3 walls. Lasts 5 sec and can cast other abilities while in this state.

Ultimate Abilities

Shiva's halo
Jyoti creates a large ring around her. This prevents DMG from going through it or enemies trying to walk through it. Enemies can jump over ring though. Allies are healed inside the ring and enemies take DMG over time. Suffers no movement penalty.and enemies take 15% more DMG inside ring.

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