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It's time for the SMITE 2 Season 0 Guide Contest! Create or update guides during the following 2 weeks to compete for the $2,000 prize pool! 🏆

Kagutsuchi by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2021
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Incarnation of fire

The japanese god of fire though technically he is dead. After being born by izanami he killed her because being the god of fire he was on fire and burned her womb.(morbid stuff I know) then her husband izanagi killed kagutsuchi in anger and so technically kagutsuchi shouldn't be alive but nonetheless Imade this concept because why not.

Passive Ability

Burning fury
Every time kagutsuchi attacks or takes dmg he gains a stack of burning rage. This fills up his rage giving him attack speed and BAs able to burn enemies. Stacks up to a cap which burns for true dmg.

Primary Abilities

Oni mask
Kagutsuchi mask is set ablaze gaining increased speed and DMG for 5 sec. BAs that hit enemies cause explosions to happen which burn and slow enemies caught in it.
Head basher
Kagutsuchi leaps forward and swings his head down onto the ground when this happens he cracks the ground and let's off a wave of fire. The cracked ground deals more dmg to enemies closer to the center and the wave of fire burns enemies and slows them.
Fiery grasp
Kagutsuchi dashes forward and if he hits an enemy he grabs them then slams them into the ground dmging them and stunning them. Kagutsuchi then gains increased attack speed against the grabbed enemy.

Ultimate Abilities

Flaming wrath
Kagutsuchi roars and in an area around him all cc is broken and he becomes cc immune. This also slows and burns enemies caught in it. Then kagutsuchi gains increased dmg on BAs, attack speed , and movement speed for 5 sec. Cc immunity lasts 1.5 sec. While this is active and kagutsuchi dies he instead doesn't and stays at 1 hp and gains even more increased stats. This effect lasts 3 sec. Once he does after ability ends he gives off a wave of fire that dmged and slows enemies hit.

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