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Kalfou by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Apr 25, 2024
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The Crossroads of Life

God Description

Passive Ability

Black Powder Pistols
Kalfou wields two black powder pistols. Every 6 BAs kalfou must reload over a 1.5 sec duration. During this time gains movement speed. This duration is not affected by any modifiers from items or other gods.

Kaflou's attacks and abilities apply a mark of ash. If he hits them again the mark explodes dealing 15% of his BA dmg to enemies hit. This does not include crits. The percentage of his BA dmg dealt can be affected by his total magic power. Mark lasts 3 sec. Every time he ignites the ash mark it reduces enemy protections. This can stack up to a cap of 3.

Primary Abilities

Ash infused Rum
Kalfou throws two bottles of rum infused with ash one after the other. When they land they explode applying ash, slowing, and dmging all enemies hit. This ability can activate his passive if both bottles hit the same enemy. If both bottles hit the same enemy they are slowed more and take more dmg.
Suppressing Fire
This ability can't be cast if he is reloading.

Kalfou gains attack speed for the next 5 sec. During this time Kalfou empowers his guns to not need to reload at all and his passive will deal 20% of his BA dmg including crits. Will lifesteal all passive dmg dealt during this time. When this ability ends Kalfou reloads for 2 sec. Each successful BA on an enemy reduces this abilities cooldown.
Run n Gun
Kalfou slides forwards in a line and while sliding he fires a barrage of bullets from his guns in the direction he is facing. This barrage applies BA related item effects and ability related item effects but both are reduced by 50%. This barrage activates his passive at the rate of his attack speed but 20% slower.

Ultimate Abilities

All out Shootout
Kalfou selects an area and after a .5 sec delay he teleports there and in a larger area he unleashes bullets wildly around himself. Has reduced movement speed while firing but also gains dmg mitigation. Firing lasts 2 sec. This applies his passive to enemies at the rate of his attack speed and deals 20% of his total BA dmg including crits. Lifesteals from all passive dmg.

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