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Kamapua'a by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2021
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Hog spirit lord

(I'ma need a better title for this dude) so this man in certain myths loves Pele and persistantly chases her. In others they are married. Kamapua'a is a god of agriculture, can shape shift, and is the only one who can make the lava Pele spews into fertile soil.(your welcome Pele. Be greatful) I might need to change the abilities as this warrior is heavily depended on his ult.

Passive Ability

Shark tooth club
10% chance to apply bleed with BA.

Primary Abilities

Tusk charge
Dashes forward knocking aside enemies.
Trigger fish blast
Transforms into a trigger fish and sprays water pushing enemies back dealing dmg over time. 15% chance to crit dmg over time. Lasts 3 sec.
Boar spirit
Boosts his dmg and speed and ccr for 5 sec. If in range of enemies can dash to them with next BA and stun them. This empowers his next BA to shred protections and apply bleed.

Ultimate Abilities

Wild zone
Turns into a palm tree and makes an area around him grow plants and wild life. This field heals allies over time. Staying in palm tree form can last max 10 sec. Can recast early to end transformation. BA becomes throwing coconuts which upon landing explode and deal dmg. Abilities 1 and 2 are the same but send miniature animals instead of Kamapua'a himself. Ability 3 becomes under brush which roots enemies in a line and deals dmg over time. Becoming palm tree doubles his current health when casting. Upon transforming can't be targeted by abilities.

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