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Kamohoali'l by ZingZang1235

1 Votes


By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2021
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Guider of ships

He is said to be the one that brought the Hawaiian to their island homes when they first set off to find a new place to call home. He can transform into any fish in the sea and has many homes thought the ocean. Is also a brother of Pele.(this family is large)

Passive Ability

Shark frenzy
Every kill or assist gives Kamohoali'l bonus attack speed.

Primary Abilities

Shark bite
Leaps forward and bites enemies which applies bleed. Deals true dmg based on missing hp.
Dives into the ground and becomes invis for 3 sec. Also gains movement speed for 3 sec. Can stay underwater as long as he likes. Next BA upon diving makes him spin.
Tail sweep
Above water swishes his tail and creates waves that extend in a cone deals dmg and slows enemies. If underwater waves go further and slow and dmg is increased. Staying in the waves for it's full duration stuns enemies at the end.

Ultimate Abilities

Guiding assault
Gathers sharks as he swims or walks on land. His movement increases over time and gathers friendly sharks to swim beside him at max speed becomes briefely cc immune and has 3 sec to recast which makes him crash down on an enemy and then send the sharks he collected at the enemy hit which stacks slow and bleed. This also stuns.

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CuresedDrakon | February 17, 2021 6:44pm
I do like the idea but have a lot of questions and ideas. First for Shark Frenzy does it have a cap on how high it can go? Second his ability undertow is a lack luster downgrade to JormĀ“s Submerge which renders him invisible the whole time he is submerged unless he his hit it also provides 2 Venomous Hazes which are a huge part of his kit. Maybe Kamohoalil instead of going invis he can just be a stance switcher and switch between above water and underwater since IĀ“m guessing its essential to his kit this could be his 3rd ability. Third his ult seems a little op but maybe thats just me. Fourth is the bleed mechanic new its been awhile since I played smite so I donĀ“t know. Last but not least my biggest question does your 1 work while underwater
ZingZang1235 (1) | February 18, 2021 5:12am
First I never really wanted my ideas to have actual stats but if it's really wanted maybe. Also I just decided to put ideas I had for gods down in here. They never were balances so I do appreciate this feed back. I wish to have more in the future and maybe get one or two of these guys into smite for rralt if at all possible. So for shark frenzy clearly it should cap at five kills/assists and no it does not stack permanently. Figuring out what the passive should be is kind of difficult for me so they may be a little eh. For ability 2 undertow it was supposed to kind of be like rek sai from LoL just being able to go under the ground and I may have entirely forgotten about jormungadner. Stance switching isn't really what I had in mind for this since I wanted it to be like his main movement and popping out of the jng to kill people. It was also supposed to be a way to boost his abilities if needed. The ult is a bit op I guess but the max amount of sharks he can gather should be 4 to kind of make a v shape just charging at you. I will admit that stacking effects like that may make it op. The bleed was just me figuring out a status effect to apply when you think a shark is beating the life out of you. Also it actually is in the game since da hi has it. I will work on the passive. Thank you for your feed back and I hope to hear more from you.
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