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Kanaloa by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Sep 20, 2022
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The octopus guardian

Is a god of the sea, fishing, the underworld, and cephalopods. Is the counter part to kane.

Passive Ability

Abundance of life
Whenever kanaloa partakes in healing or shielding between his team, 5% of those effects heal kanaloa back over time.

Primary Abilities

Oceans current
In a line forwards kanaloa dashes and any enemy in his path are dmged and rooted for 1 sec. Then a path of moving water is left behind for 3 sec. This slows and pushes enemies back if they walk against the current but if they move with the current they gain movement speed and follow the path, but can move out until they reach the end. This ability can be extended by dashing into walls. Can dash through and the current ends at the other end of the wall.
Stingray spirit: this ability replaces oceans current when animal spirits is cast. Upon casting sends a stingray forwards in a line. Stops on the first enemy god hit and explodes dealing dmg, slowing, and applying poison to enemies. If this spirit enters oceans current it accelerates causing the explosion to be larger. Also makes it deal more dmg and cripples enemies hit instead.
Crashing waves
In a wide cone forward kanaloa swings his arms and a wave is created. As the wave travels outwards creates a wall of rocks at the outer edge of the cone that last for 3 sec. Enemies hit by the wave are dmged and pushed back. Enemies hit by the wall forming lose any shields they have on them and are dmged based on their max hp. Heals himself based on how many enemy gods were hit by this ability.
turtle spirit: this ability replaces crashing waves when animal spirits is cast. Upon casting selects an area and sends forth a turtle under water. When the turtle reaches the selected area it emerges to the surface dmging and knocking up all enemies hit. Any ally hit is healed and gains increased prots. The turtle then returns to kanaloa leaving a trail behind it. Allies can follow this trail to gain movement speed and slow immunity. If the turtle hits the rock wall the rocks explode dealing dmg based on enemies max hp.
Animal spirits
Upon casting this ability all base abilities change to represent different animals.
electric eel spirit: this ability replaces Animal Spirits when animal spirits is cast. Upon casting this ability summons a large eel and .5 sec later it spins around kanaloa 3 times each dealing dmg and the last spin being larger, deal more dmg, and knockback all enemies hit. Each spin stacks a slow on enemies up to a cap.

Ultimate Abilities

The guardian of the sea: the octopus
Upon casting kanaloa reveals his true form as a large octopus and causes a large explosion of water to happen stunning and dmging nearby enemies. The transformation process takes 1 sec then explosion occurs. This changes his base abilities. Gains bonus hp, protections, and power, but reduced BA range, and reduced turn and strafe speed. This form lasts 8 sec but can be recast to end early.

Other Abilities

Octopus form: ink jet
This ability replaces ocean currents when ultimate ability the guardian of the seas: the octopus is cast. Upon casting has a .5 sec delay before discharging a cloud of ink and dashing forwards. This cloud of ink blinds and poisons enemies in it and lasts 3 sec on the ground. Any enemies in the path of the dash are dmged based on missing hp, blinded, applied poison, reduced prots and are slowed. After ending the dash becomes invis and gains movement speed for 1.5 sec.
Octopus form: rathful sea
This ability replaces crashing waves when ultimate ability the guardian of the seas: the octopus is cast. Upon casting spins his tentacles multiple times creating waves. These waves travel outwards dmging and slowing enemies hit. Upon reaching max distance the waves create rocks. Enemies near a rock when it is created take dmg based on max hp and are stunned.
Octopus form: animal spirits
This ability replaces animal spirits when ultimate ability the guardian of the seas: the octopus is cast. This ability is the exact same as animal spirits except further empowered.
Stingray spirit: when cast while ultimate ability is active travels faster, has larger explosion, and grants allies attack speed it passes through.
turtle spirit: has a larger area of effect, travels faster, heals more, and max hp dmg is increased.
electric eel spirit: has a wider area of effect, spins faster, spins 5 times, deals more dmg, and slows more.

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