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Kane Milohai by ZingZang1235

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Kane Milohai

By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Feb 11, 2021
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Kane Milohai

Nature's creater

(there is no better title I could think of so 🐻 bear with me here) so this man and two others created the world, made mankind, gave them death, and the Kane tended to the plants and wild life of earth. Also he is another brother of Pele.(told you her family was large)

Passive Ability

Creation from destruction
Kane Milohai gains stacks of creation whenever he kills an enemy unit. Can have an unlimited number of stacks. Abilities use stacks to empower themselves and consume the appropriate amount. Every 20 stacks gains permanent increased power and attack speed. Looses all of his stacks upon dying.

Primary Abilities

Speed of light
Selects an area and he and any stars from star flakes teleport to the selected area. Any nearby enemies take dmg and are rooted. Gains attack speed per enemy god hit.

Distance and dmg of the teleport increases based on amount of passive stacks.
Celestial storm
Passive: every successful BA on one enemy unit increases in dmg up to a cap of 5 times.

Active: in a line forwards sends out a small asteroid belt. It expands as it travels. Grants himself a shield and to any ally hit by this ability. Once the asteroids reach max range or they hit an enemy god it stops and deals dmg. Then it stays in place for 3 sec dealing constant dmg and acts as a vortex, pulling enemies to the center.

This ability does not use passive stacks. Instead if any enemy unit dies will in the belt or 1 sec after being dmges by it grants the appropriate amount of stacks to Kane Milohai. Number of passive stacks when this ability is used can increase this abilities size and range.
Star flakes
Kane Milohai gains 3 charges of this ability with a 1 sec cooldown between each. Can select an area and upon doing so a star forms. This star has a radius and if any enemy is in it the star fires off pieces of itself to deal dmg. The star has a set amount of health based off of a percentage of Kane Milohai's power and hp. Can either be killed by dmg from enemies or itself as it deals dmg to itself whenever it fires.

Based on the amount of passive stacks the stars gain range and deal dmg based on max hp.

Ultimate Abilities

Center of the universe
Upon casting in a massive radius around himself pulls all enemies towards himself and deals dmg. Then any nearby stars from star flakes orbit Kane based on the distance they were when pulled. This also reduces the cooldown of star flakes and allows for 7 stars total to be out at once. Celestial storm also lasts longer and orbits Kane. Can have max 3 celestial storms out at a time and reduces the cooldown. Speed of light has longer range but doesn't the position the stars. Everything in this orbit lasts 15 sec. Can recast to end early. Killing an enemy god while this ability is active increases it's duration by 3 sec.

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