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Karkrinos by Sovix

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By: Sovix
Last Updated: Jan 30, 2023
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The colossal crab

Hercules and Jason against the Hydra, that legendary match where Hera had her chance to kill Hercules once and for all. But being a 2 against 1 was easy to know the winner, although it was not as such a 2 against 1, but a 2 vs 2. Karkrinos, a small crab that began to prick and cut Hercules during the fight, but ended up so wounded that he could hardly move from the blow. Hera seeing the heroic action of karkinos, gave him eternal life transforming him into the constellation of cancer

Now, Karkrinos has come to take revenge on Hercules and fight to defend the one who once saved him from death, no matter the cost of this.

Passive Ability

Grateful heigth
Karkrinos at the start of the game will be small and will choose an enemy god and ally (this choice can be changed every 5 minutes of game), you will know everything the enemy does, but that god will do more damage to him. And your ally by being close to you will gain defense. As your allies kill near you, Karkrinos will grow and increase its mitigation. If the ally he is united with dies, Karkrinos will become angry and enter a state of rage in which he will be able to go through minions, gods until he catches the one who killed the ally. Then, he’ll catch him with his tongs and throw him to any near wall.

Mitigation stacks:50, 1% per stack
Defenses: 25 + 0.5 per level
Growth: Guts crab (Ratatoskr[5]), Swamp hazard (Terra[10]), Immovable protector (Fafnir(dragon)[15]), Swamp colossus (Fenrir(ult)[20]), God killer (Vamana(ult)[25]).

Primary Abilities

Karkrinos will get a shell on his back that will give him defense, health and mana; you can choose which one you want, depending on the shell will have a enhancer or another, this shell will be until they kill, stun or Karkrinos want to change it:

Red: Karkrinos gets a boost in his damage and in his lifesteal.
Green: Karkrinos gains more defenses and health.
Blue: Karkrinos gains more mitigation and cooldown.
Yellow: Karkrinos gains more movementspeed and attackspeed.
White: Karkrinos gains the abilitie to bounce back the damage he recites.
Black: For every basic that Karkrinos hit, it will slow the enemy.

Potential damage: 10/30/50/70/90
Boosting lifesteal: 5/12/14/15/17 %
Defence power: 15/20/30/40/55
Health Enhancement: 160/260/360/460/560
Mitigation potentials: 5/7/8/9/10 %
Cooldown: 5/7/10/15/20 %
Movementspeed enhancement:2/5/8/11/13 %
Attackspeed boosting: 0.05/0.10/0.15/0.20/0.25 %
Bounced damage: 35% of received
Slow: 5/10/15/20/25 %
Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10 seconds
Mana: 75
Karkrinos will act as if he were playing a violin, while throwing bubbles in a straight line. Depending on their size they will have one effect or another, but they will always go through minions, jungle enhancers and give mana if they pass through an allied god.

Small: They will only give mana and go through minions.
Medium: They will give mana, go through minions and slow the enemys they hit.
Great: They will give mana, go through minions, slow the enemys they hit and explode when they hit a enemy god.
Enormous: They will give mana, go through minions, slow the enemys they hit, explode when they hit a enemy god and give a shield to the allies that pass through them.
Giant: They will give mana, go through minions, slow the enemys they hit, explode when they hit a enemy god and give a shield to the allies that pass through them and they will reduce the damage and defense of the enemy gods they hit.

Damage: 150/200/250/300/350 (+40% of your magical damage)
Slowdown: 10/15/20/25%
Explosion damage: 150/200/250 (+20% of your magical damage)
Shield health: 200/350 (+10% of your max health)
Shield life: 3/4.5 sec
Reduced defense: 30%
Reduced damage: 25%
Cooldown: 15/13/11/9/7 seconds
Karkrinos will use one of his legs to propel himself forward. If it hits a wall it will bounce, but if it is against an enemy it will stun and push him back and if it's an ally, it will give you and your allied a speed boost for 2 seconds.

Damage: 100/150/200/250/300 (+20% of your magic damage)
Stun: 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds
Speed boost: 2/3/4/5/6%
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 seconds
Mana: 50/55/60/65/70

Ultimate Abilities

king crab
Karkrinos will grow up in anger and determination to wipe out all the enemies in its path, no mather the stack he have:
Guts crab: You can grab an enemy and bother him.
Swamp hazard: Grab an enemy and start cracking him, then trowing it.
Immovable protector: He will carry forward by grabbing the first two gods he encounters and cocking them with each other, ending stamping them against the ground and crippling them both.
Swamp colossus: He will jump, stun all nearby enemies and push them, if he lands on top of a enemy with low health, he will be able to execute him.
God killer: It will grow even more, being able to have the previous 4 ultis for a while. You can’t die until you’ve used up four skills or run out of time.

Damage: 450/500/650/700/900 (+50% of your magic damage)
Increased damage: 10/20/30/40/50 %
Defense buff: 50/70/90/110/130
Range of execute: 20%
Duration: 2/4/6/8/10
Cooldown: 100/98/96/88/86 seconds


Karkrinos had thought of him as a warrior, but as he did not see it very useful in that role, he is in guardian. Pros: Guardian builds to life, defense or mitigation are good or even damage by that potential of shells. The execution is only by grace, for that what only executes if it falls exactly on the enemy at low health like thana but with less area and range. And I thought of him as a more aggressive guardian like Jörm, Cerb, Cthulhu or Cabrakan, that if he was in the game he could defend his entire team by taking many ahead even before he falls at low health.

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