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Khonsu by ZingZang1235

1 Votes


By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Dec 20, 2021
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Moon traveler

One day Ra told Nut that her children could never be born on the 360 days of any year because of a troubling vision he had of the future involving her kids. Distrait nut gambled with Khonsu the good of the moon to add 5 more days to the end of every year to give birth to her children one every day for those five days. Nut won and Khonsu was forced to give her those five days. Now for Khonsu I didn't want his abilities to be centered around time entirely so it's about his gambling the moon and maybe time.

Passive Ability

Traveling moon
5 sec out of combat gains movement speed over time and gains even more increased movement speed when he reaches 40% hp.

Primary Abilities

Moonlights path
In a line in front of himself khonsu illuminates with the light of the moon. This path gives movement and attack speed to allies who are on it and enemies are slowed and have reduced healing on it. This lasts 5 sec. Waxing Crescent: gives more attack speed to allies and lasts 3 sec once off path.Waxing Gibbous: gives more movement speed and lasts 3 sec once off of path. Waning Gibbous: enemies are slowed more and lasts 1.5 sec once off of path. Waning Crescent: enemies have more decreased healing and lasts 3 sec off of path.
Power of the moon
This ability changes based on the phase of the moon. Every switch resets the cooldown of this ability to 1.5 sec. Waxing Crescent: khonsu fires a wave of light forward that dmges enemies hit then at max range the wave returns dealing dmg again and pulling enemies back a short distance. The wave on its way back shields all allies who come into contact with it. Waxing Gibbous: Khonsu illuminates himself in moonlight and channels for 1.5 sec. The light gives khonsu and any Ally hit by the light bonus protections. Once channel is done fires an orb of moonlight forward that explodes and pushes back the first enemy hit then slowing them. Explosion dmges and slows enemies hit. Waning Gibbous: khonsu selects an area to be illuminated by a faint light for 1.5 sec before it's then struck with the moons light dmging and stunning enemies hit. The light illuminating that area gets rid of protections over time. Waning Crescent: in a cone in front of himself Khonsu fires multiple crescent shaped projectiles that dmg and slow enemies in the cone. Number of projectiles increases with this abilities level and are evenly distributed amongst enemies in the cone. Slow cannot stack but duration can.
Waning and waxing
When cast switches the phase of the moon from waxing crescent to waxing gibbous to waning gibbous to finally waning crescent. Every time it switches khonsu heals himself and gains a short movement speed burst. Each phase of the moon changes his abilities or gives bonus effects which last until the phase is changed again.

Ultimate Abilities

Gambling time
Khonsu creates an area around himself that is covered in moonlight and if any Ally were to die in this field they are instead kept at 1 hp and can't take dmg for the duration of the ability. This effects enemies as well. While ability is active a dice is rolled above Khonsu that all gods can see and based on what the dice rolls the ability does different things. If the dice rolls 1 or 2 the ability ends and when the area disappears all gods still in it are healed based on their missing hp and enemies are slowed. If the dice rolls 3 or 4 the area heals again but allies gain more healing and gain movement speed. If 5 or 6 is rolled allies and enemies are still healed, allies are healed greater, enemies are stunned, and allies have reduced cooldowns on their abilities. Khonsu always heals himself the most and gains movement speed and reduced cooldowns on abilities.

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