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Kratos by ZingZang1235

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By: ZingZang1235
Last Updated: Jan 24, 2022
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The divine strength of the gods

Kratos is the brother of nike and they have 2 other siblings. Kratos represents strength and is the god of such. He is also very loyal to zeus and believes everything zeus does has no flaws. Was also in charge of the punishment of prometheus being chained to a rock.

Passive Ability

Revenge drive
When Kratos takes DMG for the first time once every 20 sec the enemy that hit him takes 5% increased DMG from all sources while it is 10% from Kratos himself. This also temporarily gives him a speed boost and DMG boost as well. Both last 5 sec. Whenever kratos gains bonus attack speed he converts 10% of it into bonus power for 3 sec. This effect can stack up to a cap and refreshes it's cooldown.

Primary Abilities

Disarming strike
Kratos gains movement speed and his next BA slams the ground stunning and disarming enemies hit in a radius around Kratos. Speed lasts 5 sec. This boosts Kratos's armor and BAs can now penetrate armor. This lasts for 5 sec.
Trembling stomp
Leaps forward and upon landing cracks the ground dmging and trembling enemies hit. Then he gains attack speed and steals 5% of enemies prots for 5 sec after landing.
Armor up
In an area around kratos he gives allies a shield including himself. When this happens he heals held per Ally shielded and gains bonus power for the duration of the shield. Shields last 3 sec. Enemies hit by this are slowed and have 20 of their prots shredded. Also grants movement speed towards enemies hit by this ability to himself and allies.

Ultimate Abilities

Strength of the gods
Kratos roars loudly in a large area around himself decreasing enemies armor and power by 25% for 5 sec. Then he distributes it amongst allies evenly giving the remaining to himself. The roar stuns enemies and if close enough and already stunned increases current stun duration by .5 sec. If even closer deals increased DMG and trembles enemies. Can deal true DMG per armor shredded.

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drAUD966 | July 25, 2024 6:42pm
thank you for not doing the god of war kratos but instead cratus the actual version
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